Friday, October 9, 2009

Lose Weight Quickly Without Diet Pills or Potions.

By Ryan M Hall

Turn on the TV or computer and you will be bombarded with messages promising instant weight loss pills and perfect body gadgets that will make you look like a model and guarantee that you will lose weight quickly. Of course it would be fantastic if we could just take a pill and look like our favorite movie star, but the truth is, it doesn't usually work this way. If these methods don't work, do any?

There are 3 easy steps you can follow to lose weight quickly. You have to control your diet, workout a couple times a week with resistance training, and give your body plenty of time to rest. Running on a treadmill isn't necessary, but it can help. But, how much weight can you lose and how quickly? This really depends on how much weight you have to lose and how closely you follow your diet plan. The more weight you have to lose, the quicker you will be able to lose it, whether it's 2 lbs a week, or 10, these steps will get you there.

Having a healthy but specific diet plan is the core of losing weight. There is a reason that when anyone wants to drop weight, they start to look for diet plans. It's obvious, if you want to change your body, you need to change the way you eat. But losing weight quickly requires more than just cutting some calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a meal plan that is specific and includes protein and healthy carbohydrates. Preferably with plenty of vegetables. Vegetables will fill you up quickly and aren't high in calories. If you want to burn fat fast, you need to eat lots of vegetables.

You don't have to become the Incredible Hulk, but lifting weights will burn fat much more efficiently than running for hours will. This is because when you lift weights, you burn calories during the workout and for hours, sometimes up to 72 hours, after the workout, whereas with cardio, you usually only burn calories during the workout and just afterward. Building muscle burns the calories for days vs. hours, this alone should be enough to make you consider a resistance training regimen.

Too many people neglect this because they think that the more they work, the faster they'll burn fat, but that's just not true. If you want your body to function properly while dieting and exercising, you need to have plenty of time to rest. If you are dieting and exercising to burn fat, your body needs rest to heal, and building muscle requires that you rest so that your muscles can grow. Rest is more important than most people think, and is so underrated by most of us who try to lose weight. You don't need to sit on the couch and watch TV all day, but you do need down time between workouts. Don't lift weights every day and burn your muscles out, take a day or two between workouts to allow your muscles to heal, this way you will be refreshed when you step back into the gym.

Dieting, building muscle and getting plenty of rest are sure fire ways to lose weight quickly. Follow these steps and get a proven diet and exercise plan and you will be a thinner healthier you in no time. It takes commitment, but it doesn't have to be hard. All you have to do is get a plan and follow it, it can work for you.

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