Thursday, October 22, 2009

Loosing Weight At Home Is Easy Here's How

By Ron Cripps

You have to wear that old dress or suit to an important function but it is to small, so without hesitation you search for a diet to lose weight fast. While there are many ways to shed weight quickly, losing it too fast can be a shock to your body and thus a danger to your health. Fad diets, diet pills, extreme fasting and other fast weight loss methods may work short term but they can also cause you to lose muscle which is counter productive to a long term weight loss program, and can cause damage to your heart and other internal organs.

Since losing weight is in basic terms expending more calories than you take in, figure out exactly what you take in. Keep a written record of every meal, for at least a week. That means everything, every morsel you consume, every sample, every drink of water. Now with the help of sources like figure out the calories in what you eat.

Once you have a list of all the calories you eat, look for ways to reduce them. This can be as uncomplicated as reducing down on meal portion sizes. Serve sizes are generally too big both at home and in restaurants. There are a lot of other simple tactics that don't significantly modify what you eat. Soda and juice, cake, cookies, butter, lose them all from your diet. Salad dressing is the prime source of calories on most dinner tables! Getting used to the delicious taste of a salad with a pinch of lemon juice makes a substantial difference. Also note that empty calories such as sugars and white breads (carbohydrates) are the first things to restrict. These can be replaced with sugar substitutes and whole grain breads without to much impact to you.

What about that side dish? This portion of the meal often holds more calories than the main course. Make a switch to healthy foods, or get rid of the sides completely.

Build up some muscle to increase muscle mass and metabolism using exercise. That leads to burning extra calories even when sitting still. Aerobic exercise is the best for calorie and fat burning. Many experts say to do aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week. Hog wash! Find an activity you can sustain for seven days each week, and forever and one that you enjoy..

You have your orders. So get moving!

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