Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does Dr. Phil Know What He's Talking About When it Comes to Losing Fat?

By Peter W.L. Owen

Dr. Phil's diet plan explains that you have to be honest with yourself before you decide on the next fat loss diet. You're never going to have a thin and healthy body if you're not willing to make sacrifices and to change your lifestyle. You might have the greatest fitness masters around with all the right supplements you can eat. The truth is that it won't do you any good if you don't change the way you think.

Dr. Phil is a well-known problem solver that has taken on the biggest challenges our life offers. He has also decided to take on the obesity issues so many of us are struggling with. It is sad to realize that obesity is the main cause of preventable death in America. That alone has caused Dr. Phil to take a look at why this is such a big issue not only in America, but also around the world.

Dr Phil's fat loss plan explains one of the reasons people fail time and time again to lose weight. Some people manage to reach their perfect weight but gains everything back in no longer than one year. Why is it such a big problem? We need to look at ourselves because that is where the source of the problem lies. Your willingness to change the way you look and to take care of your body should be greater than the things that causes obesity.

Dr. Phil's weight loss plan first explains that you need to be honest with yourself. He asks a few questions so that you can determine if you're ready to change. Some of these questions are as follow:

1.You've probably tried many other fat loss programs which haven't produced the fruits. The real truth is probably that you didn't deliver the fruits. Are you willing to give Dr. Phil's fat loss diet a try?

2.Are you willing to get rid of all the problem food in your house?

3.Are you willing to be honest to yourself and to other when you've tried to cheat your way out?

4.Have you realized that it will be expected of you to spend time in the gym and work hard?

5.Do you realize that you're the only one who can change your body?

6.It's strange to see that so many people don't want to admit that they're overweight. Some don't see it as a problem. Do you realize that you have a problem and that you need to take action?

According to Dr. Phil, the answers to these and other questions will determine if you're able to lose fat for good. You can have the best fitness gurus around, with all the knowledge in the world, but if you're not willing to make sacrifices, you'll never have a healthy body.

I've seen the best before and after pictures and some are definitely true. But one thing that stands out from Dr. Phil's weight loss diet is that it doesn't set you up with massive mountains to climb at first. He explains that you need to set small and realistic goals. Don't let other people stand in your way of glory. You will be surprised to see that so many people want you to fail. Remember, the main obstacle in your way is yourself. Don't stop until you've reached your goal.

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