Saturday, October 24, 2009

Easy Tips To Change Your Diet

By Selene Foong

Having a healthy body in a time when fast food is easier to grab and junk food available everywhere is a difficult job. It is pretty difficult to try to make a choice between delectable cakes and sweets compared to healthier foods like fruits and vegetables.

It is always pretty easy to grab fast food as sustenance when on the go without thinking about the consequence of what it does to your body. So, when one has to choose between a delicious burger and a plate of fresh green salad, many will choose the burger. Eating unhealthy food all the time will cause obesity and also other health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and heart disease.

When you constantly eat unhealthy food, it will shorten your life span and also cause an impact on your quality of life as you may be afflicted with various health conditions that require constant medical attention. So, here I would like to share some steps on how you can change your diet for the better without depriving or starving yourself.

1. When you are on the go - if you are in a hurry and need a quick bite, don't just settle for chips or a greasy fast food burger. You can always go for the healthier option of a healthy, wholemeal sandwich. You can grab such sandwiches at places like Subway. Always remember to ask for extra vegies, choose the wholemeal bread and for dressing, don't ask for mayo but choose the healthier sauces like olive oil or even a tad of mustard.

2. When you eat out - some people don't cook because they either don't have the time or do not have the interest to do so. So, they eat out a lot and when eating out, you are faced with a lot of choices. It is important that you choose to go to a healthier place for your meals instead of going to a fast food place. Choose a restaurant or a small cafe that offers healthy options like salads, grilled dishes and even smaller portions. Even if you don't feel like eating salads every day, you can choose mains of grilled chicken or fish which is healthier than deep fried. Keep away from the chicken skin and always ask for extras of the vegetables. Instead of going for the mashed potatoes or fries, ask for baked potato and yes, ask for dressing aside.

3. When you go to parties or during celebrations - parties and holiday seasons like Christmas means there are loads of goodies to try such as cakes, cookies, pastries and high-fat foods. Instead of depriving yourself completely of these goodies, you can choose to eat less. This means you can eat those goodies but do with with moderation in mind. You can eat the chocolate cake but keep it to a small slice and do not go for seconds. The same goes for the other food, keep it all at smaller portions. Instead, you fill up on salads and fruits first before going for the mains and desserts. This way, you tend not to overeat.

You don't really need to be counting calories but as you slowly reduce your portion size and add in more healthy vegetables and fruits, you will find the pounds slowly dropping away. The best part is that you are not even depriving yourself but just cutting back and changing some of the foods for healthier alternatives. Try it and you will see the results!

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