Saturday, October 31, 2009

Looking For A Superb Waffle Recipe

By Ben Cook

Legend states that primitive man was the first to invent the waffle recipe. Waffles are loved and eaten by most people and waffles are popular on the breakfast table and eaten with trickle syrup and butter which is delicious. Now that your mouth is watering here is a very simple waffle recipe that you can whip up. All the basic ingredients are available and your kids can join in and make these tasty tempting waffles.

Now all you have to do is just follow this easy recipe. The ingredients that are needed is 2 cups of self raising flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 cups of warm milk, 2 eggs which need to be separated and a tablespoon of melted butter.

Now let me take you through a step by step method of how to makes these delicious waffles. But before we start you need to plug your waffle iron in so that it is ready and hot once you have followed the step by step instructions on how to mix the ingredients.

First step: get a medium sized bowl which is used for mixing and then begin by separating your 2 eggs set aside the yellows and put the white of the eggs into your mixing bowl then use your beater to beat them up until the eggs whites form peaks and put the bowl one side.

Step two: Then take another clean small mixing bowl and mix in the warm milk, melted butter, and sugar and egg yolks. Make sure you mix all these ingredients very well and the sugar must be dissolved. Step 3: Another mixing bowl need to be used so that you can now mix all your dry ingredients which is your 2 cups of flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. Step 4: now take the wet ingredients that you mixed earlier and add them to your dry ingredients.

5. The secret is to make sure you don't end up with lumps in the final mixture as it should be smooth and slightly runny not thick like dough would be. If you end up with a very thick mixture you just need to add some more warm milk until you reach the right consistency. 6. The last thing ingredient that needs to be added is your stiffly beaten egg white which needs to be folded into your mixture carefully. You can now start making your yummy waffles.

Step 7: Now you can put one small cup of batter onto the heated waffle iron and close it. Wait for around two minutes and remove. This recipe serves 12 waffles. Once all your waffles are done then allow them to cool down and serve.

Another very delicious waffle recipe is made up by using a cup of water, and a cup that is filled with half yoghurt and half sour cream plus teaspoon of white vinegar, 1 tsp of baking powder and baking soda with a pinch of salt added and two cups of flour and 2 eggs. Mix all the wet ingredients up first and then mix these up with the dry ingredients. In this case only the ingredients have changed but the step for step instructions remain the same.

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Will I Taste The Difference With Organic Coffee?

By Bart Forcey

Environmental awareness has awakened the sense in consumers to preserve the resources supplied by mother nature. What better consumable to start the earth saving project of organic farming with than growing of organic coffee beans?

The largest producers of organic coffee beans are located at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro on the African continent. Coffee trees grow abundantly under a tent formed by tall growing banana trees. This method of mixed planting is used to shield the coffee trees from harsh weather conditions while allowing the necessary amount of sunlight and rain to penetrate. The coffee trees are mulched and composted by mother nature via falling leaves from the coffee tree itself as well as that of the banana trees. Natural mulching and compost means natural moisture retention and high soil quality. For the organically certified farmers to comply with prescribed standards only natural, organic-based pesticides may be used.

Coffee beans firmly occupy the second spot just after oil in terms of world trade.Although seemingly unimportant to the average person, this little seed has a market capacity of an estimated Seventy Billion American Dollars. Trade organizations fixed minimum prices on the beans as pricing in the past had been hit hardest by price fluctuation caused by market conditions. Minimum price fixing could not have come at a better time as coffee farmers and traders will not suffer the impact of worldwide recession.

When harvest time arrives, ripe berries are plucked from the tree with care as the tree only yields an estimated 2.20 lbs beans per year. The berries are soaked in water to soften the outer pulp. Residual pulp is removed until the coffee beans are clearly visible. The beans are then left to dry in the sun. Dried beans are sacked and weighed. Specially designed areas are allocated for organic products in each country of origin. Beans are auctioned and shipped to various destinations across the world.

A downside to organic produce is the scarcity of the products. Organic foods have a tendency to be associated with higher prices to consumers due to the products' steeper pricing in relation to conventional products. Prices are higher due to various direct and indirect influences such as low yields, higher labor requirements, business start-up financing and additional land needs.

Farmers of organic coffee beans have strict guidelines to following. The guidelines are prescribed by relevant Independent organic certifying organizations, Fair Trade and KNCU. These rules and regulations are drafted according to international supply standards. Compliance with these organizational requirements is a feather in the hat of the farmer as he or she knows the organic produce planted and cared for on his farm meets high international standard.

Farmers of organic coffee beans and their nations make a commitment to changing their lives for the better by taking positive actions in countries often labeled as third world. By participating in farming of organic coffee beans, these farmers are helping to build up their communities, establish better health care and education opportunities as well as creating brighter economic futures.

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Fat Loss Tips For Teens Who Are Overweight

By Josh Wintrop

Teenagers deal with weight problems and seek natural ways to achieve weight loss just as often as adults do. The teenage years are when a lot of self esteem problems can develop because of physical appearances. Thus, many teenagers look for ways to lose weight naturally. Below you will find some information that will be helpful to teenagers who are trying to lose weight by natural means.

Adapting a regular exercise program is a natural way to help teens who have weight problems. Many modern day teens cannot wait to get home to the game systems or computers. More and more teenagers enjoy sitting in front of the television, playing video games, or behind a computer monitor, surfing the internet. These habits leave teens little time to actually get out to get any exercise.

In order to burn off calories, physical activity is necessary. This means that when teenagers decide to engage in regular physical activity, it can help on their quest for natural weight loss. On the other hand, when a teenager decides to remain physically idle most of the time, weight loss cannot be achieved.

It is okay for teens who are trying to lose weight to start out slowly and increase their work outs as time passes by. Low impact exercise is much more effective than no exercise. Regular exercise can be achieved by performing simple tasks such as walking to school every day instead of taking the bus or climbing the stairs instead of taking an elevator.

When teenagers are looking to lose weight naturally, they can also be more careful with their daily calorie intake. By monitoring how many calories they are consuming, and decreasing that value, teens will lose the pounds they have been trying to lose.

The fact that most high school teenagers opt not to eat lunch at school plays a big role in the amount of overweight teens. Instead of eating the lunch the school supplies, teens are flocking to their local fast food restaurants to eat their lunch. If more students would choose to eliminate fast food from their regular diets, more teenagers would be more likely to lose weight. Packing a lunch and bringing it from home is also an option.

School food will never win the most appetizing award, but it is far more healthy than food offered at most fast food chains. However, high calorie content is not the only problem with items available at fast food restaurants. Most items on the menu are full of fat and cholesterol, too. By cutting fast food out of their diets, teens can increase their chances of losing weight the natural way.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Choosing Healthy Drinks

By Jermaic Honsher

More and more people are making healthier food choices, including healthier drink choices. When you are thirsty, select these smart and refreshing drinks:

Water. Drinking plenty of water will fend off fatigue, headaches and muscle spasms caused by dehydration. Water is also essential for great looking skin. When your body is properly hydrated, skin looks youthful and radiant. Also an effective appetite suppressor, drink a glass of water before meals and you will eat less overall. Water is also effective for ridding your body of harmful toxins. Maybe you should have a glass right now!

Cranberry juice. These tart red berries are packed with vitamin C and contain a component that stops bacteria from attaching to bladder walls, which prevents painful urinary tract infections. Choose cranberry juice that is 100% juice with no preservatives, artificial flavors or colors. Cranberry juice also contains a healthy dose of fiber, antioxidants, and nutrients that help protect you against heart disease and cancer.

Green tea. Well known for its wealth of antioxidants, green tea can also block the over-production of harmful enzymes in your body that act as precursors to cancer. Replace your morning cup of coffee with a steaming cup of antioxidant-rich green tea instead. Natural compounds in green tea have been found to help regulate blood sugar levels by increasing insulin activity, promoting glucose metabolism and blocking glucose absorption.

Don't be fooled by these sugary, colorful drinks. They may masquerade as healthy and inviting, but in fact, these beverage are loaded with extra sugar and fat.

Fancy coffee drinks. Your local coffee shop may try to entice you with a tasty caffeinated treat that features full-fat dairy products, chocolate, sugary syrups, artificial colors and flavors. These drinks often have as many calories and fat as a fast food meal.

Summer cocktails. Summer parties and picnics are not complete without a festive cocktail or two. But beware: these colorful, cheerful drinks pack quite a few calories. Pina coladas, margaritas, and daiquiris are drowning in calories, and that is even before the liquor is added.

Smoothies. Don't be lured by the health claims made by some smoothie makers. Many smoothies claim to be healthy but the added fat and calories tell a very different story. Sugary juices, full-fat dairy products, and other extras make this drink a high calorie mistake.

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How Much Protein Should I Eat A Day?

By Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle DC CCN

Protein calorie malnourishment in America is much more widespread than one would ever believe. As a clinical nutritionist and one who has lectured on nutrition in critical care, I see this every day.

This is especially true among women, and to an even greater extent among elderly women.

The accepted level of protein from all sources such as animal proteins, eggs and dairy, etc, is 1.5 grams of protein per Kilogram of body weight per day just to maintain things.

Since 1 kilogram is 2.2 pounds, if you're the average American weighing in at 150 pounds you'll need about 105 grams of digestible protein per day.

An ounce of meat has about 7 grams of digestible protein. You'll get about the same amount out of a whole egg.

Remember, digestible protein is the key.

If your protein isn't high quality and digestible, then it will pass through your system without any benefit to you. This is the problem with fast food. While they'll tell you that there's a certain amount of protein in your meal, they won't tell you that it's of such poor quality that your body can use only a small percent of it for sustenance.

In my clinic we often use a specialized protein diet, manufactured by a Canadian company, that offers 40 different varieties of meals, all of which use highly digestible proteins.

This is the ideal system for someone who is protein malnourished, because it offers convenience and is specifically manufactured with the correct balance of nutrients that are difficult to balance without sophisticated knowledge of food and nutrients.

Remember, for women, who biologically can't digest protein nearly as well as men, it's very important to seek out high quality digestible sources of protein. If you can't get them all through your diet, consider taking a protein supplement or a whey protein drink.

Your protein needs must be met and between 100-120 grams per day should be your ideal target.

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A Look Inside What is in "First Milk" Colostrum

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith


Once the calf is born, the biologically active components found in the ?first milk? colostrum change very quickly. With these changes in mind, it's important to know what makes up that ?first milk? colostrum in order to get the most biologically active substances that are available in it.


Complete bovine colostrum contains a numerous amount of proteins. These proteins can have significant health benefits for humans. Before birth, these beneficial proteins are carried in the bloodstream of the mother cow; however, the mother cow begins to reabsorb these proteins after six to eight hours after her calf is born. This makes the first milking of colostrum the key in obtaining the highest amount of proteins available by the mother cow. 24 hours after birth casein and albumin are the only beneficial proteins found in the mother's milk.

Colostral Fat

The milk fat in complete first milking colostrum is one the most under-rated and misunderstood components by many companies that promote bovine colostrum for human consumption. There are all kinds of stories, none of which are ever substantiated with any scientific evidence that the fat in colostrum doesn't serve any purpose and/or that having it there leads to faster deterioration of the product. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, one of the companies that removes the fat from what they call "colostrum" then adds a component of the fat back to their dried products. They claim that this makes their "colostrum" more digestible, which was one of the functions of the fat in complete colostrum in the first place. Casein is a nutritionally valuable complete protein that is broken down in the stomach to small peptides and amino acids so that they can be absorbed and used to build new muscle protein by forming a cottage cheese-like curd in the stomach. This occurs enzymatically in the newborn and the adult and the basis for the curd that forms is the fat in the colostrum. So without it, in addition to losing some significant biologically active substances that are associated with the fat, one loses most of the nutritional value of the casein. That is part of the reason why the fat content of colostrum increases with time after birth as the amount of casein increases in the secreted fluid. Mother nature doesn't waste much and has organized the components of colostrum and their changing pattern in an efficient way to maximize the benefits to the offspring that is going to receive it.

High quality first milking bovine colostrum will contain 20-30% milk fat.2 The milk fat in colostrum is also a very important means to deliver some of its beneficial biologically active substances.1,3 Dissolved in or associated with the fat in colostrum are vitamins A, D, E and K; steroid hormones; corticosteroids; some growth factors; and insulin.

Lactose (milk sugar).

Bovine colostrum contains 10-15% lactose. When lactose is broken down in the saliva and the stomach of the calf, it creates an immediate metabolic energy source for the calf. The mother's milk increases in its lactose content as the calf develops. 6 hours after the birth of the calf the lactose content is half of the lactose content 12 hours after birth and a third of the lactose content 24 hours after birth.

The metabolic energy that comes from lactose being broken down from the lactase enzyme in the saliva and stomach can also benefit humans. For those people who are lactose intolerant, their bodies struggle to digest lactose because their bodies have little or don't have the lactase enzyme. Most of these people can use bovine colostrum as a dietary supplement without having to worry about it causing them discomfort due to their lactose intolerance.

More Compositional Considerations

The benefits of ?first milking? colostrum verses milk can be found as follows:

Vitamin A is found to be 10 times greater in colostrum than milk.

Colostrum has 3 times the amount of vitamin D than milk

Colostrum has 10 times the amount of iron than milk

Phosphorous, magnesium and calcium are found to be greater in colostrum than milk.

Biologically Active Components

Metabolic Factors, Growth Factors and Immune Factors are the major categories bovine colostrum can be divided into. When looking into bovine colostrum, be aware of companies' interpretations of what these components do rather than what the original studies show.

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Use Nitric Oxide Today For Great Weight Loss

By Laura Croff

If you are interested in losing weight or being able to get faster muscle gains, you might want to take a look at nitric oxide.

So, what is nitric oxide exactly? It has been shown to greatly aid all people in getting quicker recovery times from sports activity as well as help people lose weight and maintain a particular shape.

For these reasons, nitric oxide has been known to give the athletic edge that athletes often desire. This is the key to unlocking the great sports success that many athletes are able to obtain.

Nitric oxide is often used by champions of sports because it is so effective in doing its job of increasing metabolism and boosting the energy levels of anyone who uses it.

If you want to begin using nitric oxide, all you need to do is get your hands on a supplement and begin taking it day after day. If you are able to handle this and maintain the usage, you will begin to experience the effects of it on your body which will be a lot of lost weight and a lot more energy.

You will also obtain all the great advantages that we have spoken about in this article in addition to any weight loss that you will experience.

So, what's stopping you? Go take a look around and find the perfect nitric oxide supplement for you and get started already! There is nothing stopping you from taking this great step to your new body. Just continue on to search either online or at your local health store to find more information and get some in to your hands today.

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7 Fat Loss Tips You Can't Do Without

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy, follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Why are you overweight? Do you have a problem with emotional eating? If that's the case you need to teach yourself to turn to solutions other than food when you have an emotional difficulty. If you are just not eating right, learn how to eat well and nutritiously. Check with your doctor if you suspect a hormonal imbalance. When you find out what is causing you to gain weight, you can go ahead and find a solution that will encourage fat loss.

2. Decide that from now on you control your food intake. Look for a long term healthy diet that will allow you to live a healthy life. Do not let friends and family pressure you into eating something you shouldn't eat. Do not let restaurant menus or food in your fridge influence what you will be eating. Eat only what you decide you will be eating in order to attain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Instead of eating three big meals, eat small frequent meals. If you eat frequently throughout the day, your metabolism works continuously and burns calories. If you eat big meals your metabolism goes up and down and it is actually harder to lose weight that way. Pay attention to what you eat during these meals and stay away from processed snacks that are high in fat and sugar.

4. Take your time. Eating more slowly and allowing yourself to savor the food does two things. It allows your body to tell you more readily when you're full, and it helps you satisfy your appetite. After all, if you're eating quickly, the taste of the food may not register at all.

5. Don't make major changes in your lifestyle. It is much easier to follow a fat loss diet when you don't need to make huge changes in your eating habits. Choose a plan that will allow you to make small changes, allowing time for yourself to get used to each change. You should not feel that you need to starve or eat food that you are not familiar with.

6. Avoid processed foods. Whole grains, veggies, and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, as is lean protein. If you usually eat a lot of refined carbohydrates and fatty animal protein, you may have trouble maintaining your weight. You may also be at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and many other ailments. A more rounded diet featuring more vegetable sources, less refined carbohydrates, and more protein is an important key to many people's fat loss plans.

7. Remember to hydrate. Water, unsweetened teas, and other relatively calorie free beverages that provide good hydration (diet beverages often have caffeine, which can reduce their hydrating ability) are a must. You'll feel fuller, your body will be able to keep itself cleansed, and the flavor of teas and similar drinks keeps you from having cravings.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Effective Proteins For Shedding Fat And Gaining Muscles

By Josh Wintrop

You can improve the rate of burning fat in the body by increasing muscular tissue in the body. This is possible by eating a rich source of healthy proteins and taking part in regular exercise routine. By using such a plan over a long duration you can realize a significant amount of weight loss. It is necessary to give your program time for it to work positively.

Useful foods to help you build more muscles in the body are available from protein sources. They contain essential nutrients to the body which allows proper development of healthy lean mass. This increases the surface area used to burn fat which can bring a significant loss in weight.

Taking rich sources of proteins is the best way to create, repair and maintain healthy muscles. Availability of lean mass in the body raises the rate of metabolism which increases burning fat. This influences how energy is created and used in the body which brings about a reduction of weight. Avoid sources that have too much fat.


Its proteins have a high biological value which makes it one of the best sources of food to build lean tissue. The compounds are easily assimilated in the body to create and repair healthy muscles. This provides more surface area at which calories are burnt in the body which results to burning excess fat.


A diet rich in fish provides the body with all the essential amino acids. These allow proper growth and development of lean muscle. The compounds also help in maintenance of the good health of muscular tissue. This provides sufficient sites which maintain active metabolism where calories are burnt more efficiently.


Eggs contain all amino acids required by the body. It is one of the richest sources of proteins and they are available in the right proportion. These compounds develop lean mass which is necessary for maintaining active metabolism. This allows burning of excess muscles continuously through the day which results to loss of fat.

Low fat dairy products

The best sources are low fat dairy products. Proteins from such sources are rich in compounds that help to develop and repair muscles in the body. Eating low fat products prevents consumption of high energy foods from milk which can result to a gain in weight.


In addition to providing rich amounts of proteins to the body, they also have good amounts of fiber. Both effects are useful in helping the body lose weight. They also have low cholesterol. Your body also benefits from their water content. These are useful benefits to a fat loss plan.

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Chiropractic and Arthritis

By Dr. Jason Fowler

We have all seen the TV ads " nice-looking woman in her fifties, sitting on a nice sofa in a nice living room, rubbing her hands, in obvious pain. Of course, she's not Lady Macbeth, trying to rub off the imagined blood of her murdered husband. She's a woman with arthritis.

According to the Center for Disease Control, arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States.1 Approximately 47 million people have doctor diagnosed arthritis and 17 million have arthritis-attributable activity limitations.

Osteoarthritis, the most common form, is a degenerative condition affecting the joints and the soft tissues around the joints " the associated cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. The most commonly affected areas are the spine, the hands, and the shoulders, hips, and knees. The pain of arthritis, the reduced mobility, and the lifestyle accommodations needed for pain avoidance are discouraging and can even lead to depression.

Many anti-inflammatory drugs are available for the treatment of arthritis. In recent years many of these have been found to cause severe side effects. Vioxx is the most notorious of these " cardiovascular complications caused a worldwide recall of the drug. Celebrex, another well-known arthritis medication, was also found to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke at high doses.

The very good news is there are several wellness-based treatment alternatives to long-term medication. These include exercise, diet, and in many cases, chiropractic treatment.

Exercise is critical in restoring mobility and, over time, in reducing pain.2,3 Persons with osteoarthritis often experience a vicious cycle of deteriorating symptoms. Pain can cause reduced mobility (pain avoidance), which (paradoxically) actually causes more pain, which causes further reductions of mobility . . . . Activities of daily living " getting out of a chair, opening a jar, bending and lifting " become a real challenge as the person struggles to avoid further pain.

Restoring mobility is key. Exercise " very gently at first " is the answer. Range-of-motion activities to get the joints moving again are very beneficial, including Arm circles Wrist circles Shoulder shrugs Side-to-side bending for the lower back Gentle knee bends Ankle circles Flexing and pointing the feet

Walking is a perfect exercise for treatment of arthritis. Begin by walking one block, then two, then around the block. Walk five minutes daily for a week, then increase by a minute or two each day. Get up to 15 minutes of gentle walking, then begin to gradually increase your pace. The increased mobility will not only reduce pain, but also provide a cardiovascular benefit and improve one's ability to perform activities of daily living.

Chiropractic treatment, in combination with an exercise program, can assist in restoring joint mobility and reducing pain. Gentle chiropractic manipulative therapy is designed to improve mobility of spinal joints. As spinal joint motion improves, pain lessens, and a positive cycle of return-to-function begins.

"Prevalence of Doctor-Diagnosed Arthritis and Arthritis-Attributable Activity Limitation." CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 55(40);1089-1092, 2006. 2Huang MH, et al: A comparison of various therapeutic exercises on the functional status of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 32(6):398-406, 2003. 3Suomi R, Collier, D: Effects of arthritis exercise programs on functional fitness and perceived activities of daily living measures in older adults with arthritis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 84(11):1589-94, 2003.

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HCG: Sample Recipes

By Amelia Handley

Prospective HCG program users often ask for sample recipes they can try to get an idea of what they're signing up for! So to accommodate frequent requests we're willing to provide sample recipes; just a few classics that suit the program. We urge all of our dieters to become accustomed to as many of the recipes as they can so that they have a variety of tastes and flavors while on the diet. It makes things just that much more enjoyable.

Try the HCG approved Chicken Marinara recipe:

You'll need:
chicken (approx. 100 grams)
tomato (just one, diced)
garlic (3 cloves, minced)
salt and pepper (a dash of each)
garlic powder (a dash)
chili powder (half a tsp)
basil (one tsp)
oregano (one tsp)

Follow the directions:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Place half your tomatoes in the bottom of your favorite casserole dish. Sear your chicken with a dash of pepper, a dash of salt and a dash of garlic powder for a couple minutes on each side. Then put it in the casserole dish on top of the tomatoes. Immediately after adding the chicken, add your minced garlic. Toss all of the remaining ingredients in small bowl separately and then place over the top of the chicken in the casserole dish. Cover it and cook for 45 minute to an hour. It's best served warm so let it cool for 10 minutes or so before you eat!

Many enjoy the second sample recipe, Turkey and Tomato Soup:

You'll need:
turkey (approx. 100 grams...already cooked)
canned tomatoes (stewed or crushed-get organic if possible)
garlic (crushed, 3 cloves)
red wine vinegar (2 tsp)
Just a pinch of the following seasonings: red pepper flakes, rosemary, basil, cumin, parsley

Put tomatoes and garlic in a pot and add seasonings. Cook for 5 minutes. Add the cooked turkey and bring it to a boil. Cook for 5-10 additional minutes and serve warm.

So now you have 2 recipes of the many that will be available to you when on the HCG Diet Direct program. Dieters often call the recipes life saving and suggest that they were only successful on the very low calorie diet because of the variety of recipes offered by the eCookbook. Try these two out and see for yourself; they're pretty good!

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Texans Choose HCG for Weight Loss

By Amelia Handley

Texas is famous for being the 2nd largest state in the nation. People generalize Texas as a place that is bigger than life. We've all heard the saying, "Everything's bigger in Texas." Unfortunately, not everything should be bigger. As a nation we have a severe issue with obesity and Texas has definitely not escaped unscathed. Texas can currently claim a 24% obesity rate (that's 3rd in the nation with only Mississippi and West Virginia out-ranking them).

With such high rates of obesity in the state it's only logical that many Texans are opting to lose weight. And to do so they are looking toward the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. Texans make up one of HCG Diet Direct's largest consumer groups when dividing the market by state. And since the average weight loss on the formula is up to 2 pounds per day it's a very positive move to stop the increasing severity of the issue.

The HCG program is typically undergone for a short period (25 to 40 days). The dieting program is followed by a short maintenance period during which the number of approved foods expands and the number of daily calories increases preparing dieters to slowly adjust back into their day to day life without immediately adopting the bad eating habits that were prevalent pre-program.

Considering the fantastic effects offered by the homeopathic HCG weight loss's no surprise that one of the highest ranking states when it comes to percentage of the population that is categorized as obese also constitutes one of the largest buying groups of the formula. It's just got excellent results (short and long term) in comparison to its competition. The homeopathic hcg is an all natural element being re-introduced into the dieter's body. It then fulfills its natural physiological function - interacting with the hypothalamus to control the eating and drinking section of the human brain. It also enables the body to property dispose of empty fat cells. After dieting empties the fat cells they don't just stick around as they do in other dieting programs. Instead the fat cells are absorbed into the body.

Most people who are trying to lose weight find that as soon as they drop the pounds and go off their diet they get all their weight right back. This is because of all the empty fat cells laying around just waiting for a slip up. As soon as they pick up their bad habits again or relax regarding their portion sizes...the empty fat cells are very quickly not empty any more!

Everything's bigger in Texas, right? Well...not for long because homeopathic HCG weight loss formula actually fulfills on its promises. 1 to 2 pounds per day weight loss is the average across the board. And that's good news when it comes to the overwhelming state of the nation when it comes to obesity and all the resulting health issues.

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3 Raw Vegan Diet Myths

By Alistair Bedingford

There are some common beliefs about a raw vegan diet that are actually myths. In the proceeding article I plan to debunk three of the more common myths in hopes that more people will be encouraged to experience a raw food diet.

Myth #1 -If you are eating raw food you are eating cold food

There is a major misconception that eating raw food means a life of cold meals. Since healthy enzymes in raw food are not destroyed until it is heated to about 115F you can enjoy fantastic warm raw meals.

There are a few different ways to heat food and still have it be raw, the most popular employees the help of a device known as a dehydrator. Raw dehydrators can not only suck up moisture, giving food a great ?cooked? texture, they can also precisely heat food such that it stays under the 115F level.

Myth #2 - A raw diet means that I can never eat out or at a friend?s place

Worry not, being a raw vegan does not mean you have to eat all your meals alone by yourself. This is because the health benefits of a raw food diet can be achieved as long as one eats raw at least 75% of the time.

The other reason that eating raw does not mean you are stuck eating at home is that raw food cuisine is growing in popularity and new raw restaurants are opening in many cities every day. Most new Whole Foods Markets have a raw section with lots of tasty meals.

Myth #3 - Eating raw is too expensive

The main reason this is a myth is because when you are a raw vegan you are eating veggies and by in large veggies are cheaper than meat.

Also, raw food is more filling than cooked food because it contains more fiber, which means that you get fuller off of less food and therefore, have to buy less food.

There you go, 3 myths debunked. Go enjoy some hot raw food with your friends and save money.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Soya Protein Supplement

By Lucas Aaron

We all know that it is good for us to eat a balanced diet with all the food groups and to exercise regularly, but with society these days, everyone is on the go. It is hard to get all the protein and vitamins and minerals we need to keep us healthy and active. If this sounds like you, you may benefit from trying soy protein shakes. They provide needed protein as well as vitamins and minerals you need every day, plus they are easy to take on the go for your very busy schedule. They may be good for your heart as well as your whole body too.

With the current emphasis on heart health and getting in shape, many people are buying gym memberships, working out, and buying nutritional supplements to aid in overall nutrition. Also the constant remainders flung out at us from every source of media, magazines, television, the Internet, are all the resources and products available to help us remain forever young. One of the increasingly popular products is protein powder.

Are you considering the health benefits of whey protein vs. soy protein? Given the popularity of low carbohydrate diets on health, and recent discoveries of the nutritional value of protein sources other than meat, this is a question which is getting a lot of attention. Up until recently, most westerners look to meat and poultry as their main sources of protein. So what exactly do these plant based proteins offer, and how can you incorporate them into your diet?

Studies concerning the effects of soy protein PMS remedies alone do not always return positive results. A possible cause is that other aspects of a womans life are not considered. There is probably no miracle cure for PMS, but many women have found that making positive changes in diet, exercise regimen, lifestyle and supplementing with soy protein PMS formulas, PMS vitamins, B-complex and multi-vitamins or herbal remedies are effective.

The Soy Zone diet advocates eating foods rich in vitamins and high in protein and fiber to have balanced and healthy eating habits. Only when the eating lifestyle is healthy can people achieve optimal health. Besides protein, balanced portions of fat and carbohydrates are included. Some reviewers labeled the soy diet as among the healthiest diets with its objective of promoting balance in the hormonal systems and keep the body running at its peak of efficiency.

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4 Fat Loss Supplements Analyzed

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

We are a nation that wants to lose fat. Do you want to lose fat? If you do, a whole slew of companies are willing to offer cutting edge supplements that will make fat loss a cinch.

But there is a catch. Said companies are NOT regulated by the federal government. In fact, they could literally put anything in a bottle and not get slapped by the FDA until someone got sick.

However, could it really be possible that most supplements are useless? The real truth is that very very few supplements actually work. And once you do find a supplement that works, you then have to find a company that can guarantee purity.

So without further ado, here is my take on certain supplements for fat loss:

1. Supplemental amino acids. Proceed with caution here. If you take a massive amount of one amino acid, you can limit the absorption of another. Amino acids can compete for carriers. Also, extra amino acids will not help you get more energy.

2. L-carnitine tablets. This one is a no brainer. Carnitine is not essential. In other words, your body produces all the carnitine it needs for fat burning. So do not fall for the faulty assumption that extra carnitine will get more fat into your cells for burning.

3. Chromium picolinate. Some initial studies showed that this supplement was effective for reducing waist lines. However, since then, this supplement has failed to live up to expectations. And some research has shown it to be toxic. I recommend saving your money and buying some healthy food instead.

4. Meal replacements. Often found in shiny packets, meal replacements should not be called meal replacements. Why? Because a packet of powder will never be able to replace a meal in its nutritional entirety. These powders have limited applications and remember that solid food will always outperform liquid food.

The gyrations supplement companies will go through to push their products are endless. And more often than not, it can be very hard for the average consumer to sift through all the hype without an advanced degree in exercise science. So stick to natural food and avoid all the enticing claims!

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Steer Clear Of These Food Bombs

By Johncoc Hermsin

Americans diets seriously lack healthy ingredients like fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Americans struggle with obesity, heart disease and diabetes and it is no wonder. Our fast paced society values instant gratification, so we crave fast food and our bodies suffer as a result. A healthy diet is one that is balanced and has variety. Sneaking a quick snack from time to time will not wreck your health, but making life-long smart food choices will improve your overall nutrition. If your looking to lose weight or just need to start eating healthier, start by cutting these nutrition nightmares from your diet. In order to lose fat and build muscle you must stay away from these 12 foods and remove them completely from your diet.

Deep fried fats and oils: Deep fried greasy food will wreak havoc on your cholesterol levels. Plus, foods deep fried in fats and oils have been linked to cancer.

White flour: When wheat is stripped of its bran and germ, nearly all the nutrients are lost. The end result is a product that needs enrichment in order to market. Refined white flour products are also associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Sugar: Besides the added calories, many people are not aware that the fructose in refined sugar also contributes to high cholesterol levels.

Canned soups: Canned soups are flavorful, plentiful and affordable, but many are also loaded down with salt, fat and calories, especially the cream varieties.

Donuts: The pink-frosted orb of delectable goodness offers nothing in the way of nutrition.

Energy drinks: If you need a quick pick-up from one of the many popular energy drinks, be aware that you are also getting high amounts of sugar, caffeine and carbohydrates.

French fries: Extremely high in trans fat, calories, salt and the carcinogen acrylamide, French fires are also responsible for rapidly raising your insulin levels due to the simple sugars found in potatoes.

Granola Bars: While there may be some nutritious components to granola, most commercially available granola bars typically have about as much fat, sugar and calories as candy bars.

Dried Fruit: Though it may be convenient to store and eat, defiantly pass on dried fruit. Commercially processed dried fruit is often sprinkled with sugar and contains additives and preservatives.

Margarine: People used to buy margarine because they thought butter was unhealthy. It turns out that the trans fat in margarine is just as bad, if not worse and will increase your risk for heart disease.

Sodas: Sodas and colas are packed with tons of sugar and caffeine. Even diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners that may lead to long-term, unpleasant side effects.

Hot Dogs: Hot dogs are essentially highly processed meat byproducts loaded with unhealthy additives, sodium, fat and calories.

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Reducing Stress and Excessive Tiredness through Safe Zones

By Cecil Kelly

Everyday scientists learn more of the dangerous toll stress takes on the human body. Stress can be attributed to many serious health conditions. It is also one of the major causes of severe fatigue.

Stress can come from any number of things in your life. Deadlines, office politics, and pressure from the boss cause you stress at work. Bills, household duties, and family issues increase your stress at home. Stress can even be caused by happy events like planning a vacation or a family gathering. With stress surrounding you everyday, it is easy to let it take control of your life. It will drain your energy and leave you with constant tiredness.

If stress is causing your excessive tiredness, a great anti-stress technique is to create a safe zone. A safe zone is not as complicated as you may think. When done correctly, you will find that a safe zone is a tremendous way to decrease your stress and fatigue.

A safe zone is basically 70% mental and 30% physical. The first thing you should know is that a safe zone can be created anywhere, and works best where you are the most stressed. A safe zone can be in your office, your car, your kitchen, or anywhere else. In fact, it is better to create your safe zone where you are stressed, such as your office, instead of changing locations, like stepping out into a hallway. Changing locations sends a "retreat" signal to your brain that can actually increase stress chemicals. Instead, make a mental stand against your stress when it happens.

Your next step is to control your breathing. Breathing shallow signals "Danger" to your brain and increases your stress. Deep breathing signal "Safety" and reduces your stress. Plant your feet square on the floor and breathe slowly through your nose. Make yourself breathe deeper and slower with each breath. Try to focus on slowing your heart beat and releasing tension in your muscles with each breath.

Once your breathing is under control, start to clear your mind of any panicky, negative, scary, or tense thoughts. Think positive thoughts that are attainable. Try simple thoughts like "I will be okay", "This will be over soon", "I can handle this", or "Things will get better soon." Slowly you will feel yourself take control of the situation. You will feel safer, calmer, more rational, and can focus on resolving the problem without excess stress.

A safe zone can be a place to mentally retreat and regroup. It can be a miraculous refuge away from stress and will improve the way your brain responds in these situations. It will also help eliminate stress-related toxins in your system.

Once the amount of stress-related toxins in your system begins to decrease, you will feel better. You will also be able to control your stress, achieve your goals, and face your problems. In fact, the safe zone technique can not only give you more energy, it can improve your quality of life.

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Non Meat Protein For Vegetarians

By Wayne Truter

While many people lament the nutritional disadvantages of a poorly planned vegetarian diet, few stress the health advantages of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. In this article, I will cover the major three nutritional advantages of becoming a vegetarian.

Consuming animal proteins might yield close to a 1:1 absorption ratio, while consuming plant proteins, such as wheat, might only yield 50% of the amino acids needed to build a "complete protein" or a protein that can readily be assimilated into the human body.

In order for vegetarians to absorb a healthy amount of protein, they must consume a variety of plant proteins to form complete amino chains. By eating vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, and whole grains, vegetarians can increase the amount of complete proteins they create by combining a number of varieties of amino acid chains.

Vegetarians must also consume more foods that contain proteins because plant proteins are generally harder to digest. While a nutritional label may suggest that pasta has 5 grams of protein per serving; you may only be able to digest 2-3 grams of that protein, which means you must complement the pasta with other sources of protein.

These vegans often cite how scientists have bred sheep over the years to generate unnatural amounts of wool for human needs. This breeding has resulted in the Merino sheep of today, which often has enough wool to equal its body weight.

As a result of this counter-evolutionary trait, the Merino sheep that exists today often has far more wool than it needs, which is evidenced by the high amount of sheep that die of heat exhaustion. In addition to overheating in hot temperatures, many sheep end up freezing to death after they are sheared.

The wool shearing process can also cause quite a bit of suffering for the sheep. Almost a quarter of all wool sheared from sheep is "skin wool," which is so close to the sheep's skin that it is actually must be torn off.

For non-vegan vegetarians, yogurt, milk, and eggs (which contain complete proteins) are all excellent sources of protein.

It means the popular mythology about vegetarian diets is false. Not only can a vegetarian diet be nutritionally sufficient, but it can also affect better skin health, prevent cancer, and increase your heart health.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Acne is Not Spots

By Frank Williams

There are several different types of acne, depending on how or why the acne arose. Some of the kinds of acne are: acne conglobata (chronic boils); acne fulminans (an extreme form of conglobata); acne cosmetica (caused by cosmetics); acne keloidalis nuchae (from shaving); acne medicamentosa (caused by starting or stopping a medication); acne rosacea (redness on the face); baby acne; hormonal acne; cloracne and the common variety: acne vulgaris (better known as 'puberty spots'). We will concentrate on acne vulgaris.

Acne vulgaris can be defined as: 'an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots or zits' (from Wikipedia).

Acne is most common in white Western teens, although it does occur in every country in the world, so there may be a genetic weakness to it. It is possible that it may be an abnormal reaction to fairly average levels of testosterone. For most afflicted, outbreaks of acne last only until adulthood, probably only a few years or at the most ten. For other people, however, it may be a life-long affliction. It usually affects the face, upper-chest, upper-arms and back. However, an occasional spot does not constitute acne.

Acne vulgaris appears in various forms, which include: whiteheads, caused by pores which are totally blocked, trapping sebum (oil), bacteria, and dead skin cells, resulting in a white appearance on the surface; blackheads, caused by pores which are only partially blocked, allowing some of the trapped sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells to slowly drain to the surface (the black colour is not a result of dirt, but is a reaction of the skin's own pigment, called melanin, with the oxygen in the air); papules, which are inflamed, red, tender bumps with no head and pustules, which are like whiteheads, but are inflamed, and appear as red circles with a white or yellow centre.

Whiteheads do not usually last for a long time; blackheads do last a long time and pustules are what people usually refer to as spots or zits. Severe acne vulgaris is distinguished by nodules and cysts. A 'nodule' is a rather larger and much more painful sort of pustule and can often last for months. Nodules are large, hard lumps just under the skin. They frequently cause scarring and should never for any reason be squeezed, since this could make them last for months longer.

A 'cyst' can appear like a nodule, but it is pus-filled, and has been defined as having a diameter of at least 5mm and, again, can leave scars and cause pain. Squeezing an acne cyst may cause a deeper infection and more painful inflammation which will last very much longer than if it had been left alone. Dermatologists have ways of lessening swelling and preventing scarring with both nodules and cysts. It is not true that acne sufferers are not careful about washing.

In fact, excessive washing can exacerbate acne. There are many, many fake 'cures' on the market and many, many old wives' tales, but any good skin expert would tell you that there is no known cure for acne and that the patient should follow a religious regimen of cleaning until the acne just 'goes away' of its own accord.

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Body Building Tips, Learning How To Build Muscle Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Learning how to build muscle is something that takes time and dedication. But more importantly you have to find a healthy diet and a workout program that best fits you. Another important thing is to make sure that you do it naturally without the use of any certain drugs to enhance the process such as steroids.

There are various ways to build muscle faster, but today we want to cover only one. It all starts with working out as hard as you can.

If you're having issues with building muscle, then we recommend asking yourself a few questions. Do you get to the end of your set and wonder if it's feasible to finish the last two? Do others encourage you when you've finished half your set? Do you hit a wall and start to doubt your abilities?

One of the biggest reasons individuals have a hard time building muscle is they aren't focused enough. Take a few moments and look around. Do you see everyone else's training intensity? Most of them are worried more about what looks good and who's looking buff.

What it comes down to is they aren't focuses and don't have the right frame of mind. However, they are usually the ones who complain about not getting more results. Too bad no one tells them they aren't pushing themselves to their limits. The easiest way to build muscle fast is to follow these tips:

1) Begin every set as if it's your last set for the workout.

2) treat every single training rep as if your life depended on it.

3) Always time your rest periods between sets, with a stopwatch.

4) Try and wear a top so you don't keep checking yourself out in the mirror, Do that when your not training.

5) Work out with body builders who are prepared to train you hard!!.

I hope you see the focus if you want to learn how to build muscle fast.To be feeling strong, muscular and ripped, one of our favorite quotes is that "You get what you focus on".

So, remember. Give your muscles the reason to grow, or they won't. As simple as that. When you train at the same intensity as the last workout, what do you think happens? NOTHING! .

Use the next two forms of training especially if you want to learn how to build muscle fast that must be part of a quality weight gaining program. Read carefully.

1. Heavy weight. You need to put everything into lifting heavier free weights, and focus on getting as strong as possible.Its important to utilise one compound exercise per major muscle and go for at least five percent change in muscle gain every week.You then have the best possible options to build muscle, as it is ensuring neuromuscular growth.

Speed- If you can push your body to do as many sets as quick as possible you're in for a ride. Your body will be under hard work, which means the quick growth of muscle will take place. However, you need to arrive at the best balance of effort and time.

For the proper way on how to build muscle fast then keep to the training program. Use a recommended muscle building program to take guidance from. Every proven build muscle fast guide has a one on one trainer system.

If you can complete your chosen program, including all the lessons to your guide, you will be able to build muscle fast. We have several website reviews of the best bodybuilding programs available. Plus an inside look at how to build muscle fast.

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Your Recommended Daily Allowance for Relaxation

By Shirley Meier

Stress is the curse of living in modern times. Everyone suffers from stress. And the stress we suffer takes a heavy toll on our bodies, emotions and minds.

Feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a sad day, the smartest thing to do is relax, but what's the best way to relax?

Watching TV may be a kind of relaxation for some, but isn't a popular system by gurus. When we watch TV we are snowed under with commercials, ads, sounds and photographs. So how will we achieve relaxation?

If there are thousands of ways we will be able to get stressed, one of them is not meeting cut off dates, there are many ways we can relax.

In up to date studies, pros have determined that heart disease is connected to anger and irritability links to psychological stress. Too much stress brings about ischemia that can lead to or cause a heart attack. Relaxation takes on added significance given this matter.

Managing your anger and angle is important to heart health, and relaxation can help you manage stress.

1 way of relaxation is transcendental meditation. Recent studies have also shown this system might reduce artery blockage, which is a major cause for coronary and stroke. Folk practice transcendental meditation by repeating letting out soothing sounds while meditating, this is to achieve total relaxation.

The analysts discovered that practitioners of transcendental meditation seriously reduced the thickness of their arterial wall compared with people who did not practice transcendental meditation.

Another study on another method of relaxation, acupuncture, appears to reduce high blood pressure by initiating several body functions for the brain to release chemical compounds known as endorphins. Endorphin helps to relax muscles, ease panic, ease pain, and reduce anxiety.

One great way of relaxation is getting a beauty massage with natural aromatherapy essential oils.

To gain full relaxation, you must absolutely surrender to the handling and touch of a professional specialist.

There are a few kinds of massages that also give assorted levels of relaxation..allowing the warm oils to penetrate your skin delivering total relaxation, whilst you're there your trained consultant will debate with you different kinds of beauty treatment and body care to compliment your beauty regimen.

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Safely Eliminate Toxins With Colon And Body Cleanse

By Jared Rite

The modern era has brought several conveniences to the people. There are many benefits to these conveniences but there are also certain disadvantages. People are now accustomed to having things almost instantaneously extending to the food that they eat. What they may not know about these instant foods are that they increase toxic wastes in the body. Accumulation of these wastes causes the following health issues: poor digestion, gas pain, constipation, diarrhea, slow metabolism, muscle pains, fatigue, and respiratory problems to mention a few. If you have any of these symptoms, you may want to consider an effective colon and body cleanse that will free you from these health issues.

There are countless of colon and body cleanse products that you can find in the market these days. These products have their own promises to get rid of the toxic substances and wastes from your body. You can find them from health stores and even groceries near you. Although they all promises to be effective in cleansing your colon and body, each one of them may have their specific features. It is essential to carefully inspect what they can do for your body and how they fit into your specific cleansing needs. It will also help to comply with the right dosage and instructions.

If you are just new into detoxification, it is prudent to take the safest route. You may begin with the natural colon and body cleanse that will produce the desired results without adverse effects. A good way to cleanse the colon and body is to watch the food that goes into the body. You should be able to avoid fatty foods and those that are high in sugar content as they are considered to be high risk foods that will cause various health issues. You should eat foods that will bring you your recommended daily nutrient allowance.

There are also foods that will aid in your colon and body cleanse. These are foods that are rich in fiber that will bring about improved digestion while flushing out the toxic wastes from your body. You can combine this with a healthy natural supplement to enjoy all the benefits of having a clean body system.

With a good natural colon and body cleanse, you will be able to get rid of the harmful toxic substances in your body while absorbing the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from eating a healthy diet. You will feel revitalized as your body is cleansed of all the waste materials that cause harm to your body.

With your body free from these harmful toxins after performing your natural colon and body cleanse, you can start to enjoy your revitalized health. Now, all you need to do is to maintain your healthy lifestyle including watching your diet and performing colon and body cleanse from time to time. Your good choice and efforts will pay off with a good healthy body.

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Learn About Healthy Fats and Ending Extreme Tiredness

By Cecil Kelly

You have heard the myth that fat equals fatigue. You know that your excess body fat increases your tiredness. However, do not believe that dietary fat is causing your weight gain or your lack of energy.

Asking "why am I always tired" has a surprising answer. A lack of healthy fat has been proven to cause burn out and chronic fatigue. Your body interprets a lack of dietary fat as malnutrition. This triggers your body to convert other foods to fat and store that fat. You literally gain body fat because you did not consume enough fat.

Eating plenty of healthy fats, however, can end your cravings for sugary foods, stop your weight gain, and increase your energy. Healthy fats are composed of fatty acids that fuel your metabolism longer. They act like a slow-burning log to provide continual sustenance. The more energy you lose the more essential fatty acids you will need. While you can get essential fats through supplements, it is best to get them naturally in your diet.

A tip to consuming healthy fats and curing extreme tiredness is to eat them at the proper temperature. Certain fats, as with other foods, lose their energy increasing attributes once they are exposed to heat. The heat destroys the fatty acids, converting them into a form that is unusable or even toxic. This kind of fat will remain unhealthy, even after it cools down again.

The most toxic and fatigue increasing fats come from processed foods. You should avoid these at all costs. Some oils should be avoided if heated, such as canola, peanut, corn, cottonseed, safflower, and sunflower oils.

Some of the most beneficial forms of oil must stay cool or at room temperature. Almond, sesame, grape seed, avocado, primrose, and flax seed oils are just a few of the oils that only offer healthy unsaturated fats at room temperature or cooler. Omega 3 rich oils, such as salmon, pumpkin, and walnut, should also remain at room temperature to prevent extreme tiredness.

There are other healthy fats that can be heated. Olive oil is rich in essential fatty acids and can be used for cooking. Fats from fowl like chicken and turkey are very good for you and can be cooked. Natural butter, shea nut oil, palm kernel oil, sour cream, and cheese are all a great source of healthy fats and great to cook with.

It is time to stop avoiding fats. Doing so is making your extreme tiredness even worse. You already know that eating right is a key to having more energy. Including healthy, essential fats in your diet might mean the difference between feeling invigorated and being fatigued.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Healthy Food Choices Made Easy

By Thong M. Dao

In order to create healthy eating habits, it's crucial that you make a list of healthy food choices, then create a healthy menu and meal plan based on those. It's not as hard as you may think.

Here's the list you might have been looking for.

1. Grains. 6 ounces of grains are recommended daily. The most healthy grain foods are whole grain cereal, rice, breads and even pasta.

2. Vegetables. Lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are a few examples of healthy food choices. 2 things to remember, the greener the better, and two cups and a half per day are recommended.

3. Fruits. 2 cups daily will do just fine. Fruit juice is great, but keep it to a limit. Fresh fruits are always the best choice.

4. Milk. Hmm.... We all know that milk does good to the body as it is high in calcium. Adults should aim at 3 cups and young children 2 cups a day. Lactose-free products are also available for those who dislike or are allergic to dairy products.

5. Meat. Broiling, baking or grilling is the key to a healthy meal plan. Select lean protein meats like chicken, turkey and fish, to name a few. 5 ounces a day is enough.

As you are planning for healthy eating, bear in mind that butter, margarine, shortening and lard add cholesterol and that's not good.

The nutrition label on the back of each product will give you information about saturated fat, trans fat and sodium content. Keep your intake of these as low as possible.

By picking the most healthy foods for our healthy meal plans, we'll control our lifestyle. Exercise is great as well, as it goes along perfectly with healthy food choices. No matter what our age may be, eating healthy will help us keep the active lifestyle and good health for years to come.

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Did You Know That You Can Stay In Shape By Walking To Lose Weight?

By Caitlyn Sierra

Most likely you want to know if is possible to get back into shape by walking to lose weight and you have found yourself searching the internet for some of the best ways to get back into shape. It seems that losing weight is one of the most difficult things that our society seems to face.

With so much information online about how to lose weight; we are all looking for that "little magic pill" that will help us shed those unwanted pounds. In fact if you are one of the thousands of people who are looking for the best ways to burn fat and stay in shape then you have come to the right place. We want to share with you how to begin getting into shape and getting back your self esteem so that you can look and feel great.

First of all if you continue sitting on the couch in front of the television then you will never be able to get the body that you deserve. Unfortunately the truth is that most people who say they want to get into shape are not willing to do what it takes to get those pounds off.

If you want to get back into shape then you have to stop being lazy. Regardless of what you tend to believe it is going to require you to do some type of exercise. One of the great things about exercising to lose weight is that you can easily begin walking for 30 minutes each day to get back into shape. You have to put forth the effort to get back into shape and get the weight off.

Thousands of people in our society are not happy with the results that they are getting whenever they are trying to shed those unwanted pounds. However the only way that you will get the results that you are looking for you have to be willing to do all the necessary work that it is going to take.

The sad truth is that most people who set their goals will never reach them. One of the main reasons is because people will give up on working towards them; we as a society seem to become frustrated that it takes too long to reach those goals.

Stop by and visit our site right now and find out more information about how people have lost weight by walking to lose weight. In fact you will discover that exercising to lose weight can help anyone reach their goals as long as they continue doing it everyday.

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Developing A Love for Coffee: Learning How to Caffeinate

By Damian Papworth

Coffee certainly has enjoyed sustained success as the next big beverage for quite some time now. Move over, tea! You're only for Brits and people who need to calm down before going to bed on a chilly winter's evening. But a love for coffee isn't as simple as walking up to the counter at Starbucks and ordering whatever sounds the most Italian. No, it takes a little more work than that.

Even in other countries, where the coffee might taste a lot better, it's not that everyone knows the whole history of their perfect shot of espresso. It's just that it's there and it's tasty and everyone is used to it. Ask around and be surprised at how many people who really enjoy fancy coffee actually don't know that much about how it's cultivated or made.

The real difference between a love for coffee and a strong like for it is knowing a little bit more about how it's made and where it comes from. For example, espresso is not a different type of coffee bean. Rather, it's a special kind of coffee beverage where the hot water is forced through well-packed, finely-ground coffee. The machine that makes espresso is where the beverage gets its name, and is actually only from 1901, when a man in Milan filed the very first patent. Unlike coffee, espresso has a foam, even without milk, and a thicker consistency. A truly good espresso, you see, will hold sugar you pour in for a couple of seconds before it breaks through the foam.

Many coffee drinkers think that getting serious means switching to espresso, which definitely enjoyed a surge in popularity thanks to the whole Starbucks movement. The thing with espresso, though, is that it's just a stronger version of regular coffee, which is something that a lot of people don't quite realize. In fact, espresso machines didn't even exist until 1901. But those with a love for coffee who are looking for a stronger drink, remember this when you're ordering your espresso: the really, really good kind should be able to have some serious hang-time when you toss in that spoon of sugar. Otherwise, you might as well just drink regular coffee.

So learning to love coffee requires not just a learning of the back story, but also an understanding of what to order. Let's say you aren't particularly interested in drinking something with milk in it. Wherever you are in the world, avoid the phrase "con leche" or anything with an "appucino" ending, because that means that milk or cream is involved in making foam, or rather, milk is simply added to the coffee. For versions that you don't have to drink with milk, the best bets are simply black coffee, or a double-shot of espresso.

Don't feel bad if you want a drink with more taste than simply "caffeine is pumping through my veins." A love for coffee doesn't have to mean running around wound up all day. Go for the beverage with a bunch of milk and cream, add sugar, sip slowly (which should be easy, since an afternoon coffee in France could take hours), and don't worry about looking uncultured. You're doing just fine.

Want to make sure you don't make any mistakes when you're out drinking coffee in public? Just order a simple beverage, and pay attention to what everyone else is getting. If they get elaborate foamy drinks that take a while to drink, and you're stuck holding a shot of espresso that's not designed to be sipped, then you're going to throw the balance off. Order a big drink when other people are ordering big drinks, and a small drink when people are ordering small drinks, and if in doubt, just add as much sugar as you want.

And if it all seems like too much, just remember: a love for coffee is made, not born. You've got time to figure out which version is best for you.

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4 Things You Should Eat To Lose Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Small little adjustments here and there can really add up over time when it comes to losing arm fat. And knowing which adjustments to make will make life much easier for you.

Unfortunately, you've probably been pitched everything from sleeveless snake oil to pills that get rid of parasites in your intestine that are responsible for weight gain. Could internet marketers get any more trickier?

Well, I've been there and done that. And you don't have to make the same mistakes that I did. I've tested the waters over and over again, and I'm ready to share.

Thus, here are some nutrition tips for arm fat loss:

1. Don't be afraid of saturated fat. What you've been told about saturated fat is NOT true. In fact, plant saturated fat should be a regular part of your diet. Coconut oil and coconut flakes are my top recommendation here.

2. Drink small portions throughout the day. You have to drink small amounts of water during the day, not just with meals. They have to be small amounts because too much at once goes straight to the kidneys. And make sure you have some in between meals because that's when your body becomes dehydrated as a result of digestion.

3. Have a little stimulant. Caffeine is your best option here. Have a little before working out and enjoy the benefits of faster muscle firing and delayed fatigue. Having supercharged workouts will keep you burning an excess of calories many days after. And more calories burned equals more arm fat lost.

4. Take in as much cinnamon as possible. But NOT all cinnamon is created equal. Stick to Ceylon cinnamon, also known as true cinnamon. This type has the highest antioxidant potential, the lowest toxicity levels and the most insulin effects. Try to have cinnamon with your biggest meals.

Following the above tips will give you an edge when it comes to losing arm fat. And doing small things like this over time can really add up. Before you know it, you'll be well on your way to sexy arm stardom!

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Get your Fruit and Nutrients with a Juicer

By Nick Jaggs

One of the easiest ways to get a serving of your five a day fruit or vegetables is by drinking juice made from them. Only drinking one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice will be beneficial to your health, but may well improve your energy levels as well. Although you can purchase juice ready squeezed spend some money on one of the many good fruit juicers now available and make your own instead.

Although the juice of fruit is good for us it can also be detrimental to some people's health. There are certain fruits which people who say suffer from diabetes need to be wary of because they contain high levels of fruit sugar in them. Although when eaten normally this does not cause too much of a problem, but when drank as juice this is a different matter. The reason being that the fruit sugar in the juice is able to be absorbed into their bloodstream a lot more rapidly and this may result in spikes in their blood sugar levels. If not controlled correctly then this can lead to a possible diabetic attack occurring.

When it comes to buying fruit juicers as you will soon discover there are a number of different kinds to select from. The more simple types are the manual press or twin press or you can go for the centrifugal, centrifugal injection, masticating, single auger or dual cage auger one.

The type of juicers which most people tend to use and which have been around for the longest are the centrifugal models. These are very simple in design and will have both a shredder and strainer attachment and use centrifugal force to remove the juice from the pulp. Although the centrifugal injection model is similar in looks and the way it functions to the centrifugal model this one's sides slant more and it is far easier to clean.

However in recent times we have seen an increase in the sale of the masticating juicers. These chew the pulp rather than shred it to extract the juice so far less of the pulp is able to make its way through with the juice. Plus they run at much slower speeds so tend to make less noise than the centrifugal versions.

When you are thinking of purchasing a new fruit juicer for your home there are certain things that you need to be taken into consideration as well as the cost. Below we look at just what these considerations are.

1. The first thing to consider is how easy the juicer is to operate and clean. The more compact models tend to be very simple to use and with most models these days the juice holder is removable and can then be cleaned. Look for those models where the removable components can be placed in a dishwasher after use to be cleaned. 2. Although the branded models tend to cost more they are also the more reliable types of fruit juicers you can buy. Plus if any parts need to be replaced on them in the future getting them shouldn't prove too much of a problem. 3. Finally you should look at what speed the juicer works and if you can go for those that have a very low speed as this will prevent too much oxidation taking place when the juice is being extracted. So what you are in fact getting is more juice than air in what you are going to be drinking.

Above we have shown you the types of fruit juicers you can now purchase to prepare your own healthy drinks at home. But remember to keep the factors in mind when you are looking to buy one to ensure that you get exactly what you want at a price you can afford.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

A History of Coffee Adoration in Recent Times

By Damian Papworth

Coffee wasn't always such a big deal, you know. At one point, it was just something that truckers drank and diners served endless pots of in many places. But beverages grow, they change, and somehow there's been a boom where you need to know a little more about coffee than whether or not you want a small, medium, or large cup at McDonalds.

A lot of people who think they know a lot about coffee actually don't, really, because they assume that in cultures where coffee is consumed more, people know more about it. The fact of the matter is that just because a country drinks coffee every day, it doesn't mean that the people sitting in the cafes know any more or any less about it than your average Starbucks customer. It's just a part of the culture, and a huge part of socializing.

The real difference between a love for coffee and a strong like for it is knowing a little bit more about how it's made and where it comes from. For example, espresso is not a different type of coffee bean. Rather, it's a special kind of coffee beverage where the hot water is forced through well-packed, finely-ground coffee. The machine that makes espresso is where the beverage gets its name, and is actually only from 1901, when a man in Milan filed the very first patent. Unlike coffee, espresso has a foam, even without milk, and a thicker consistency. A truly good espresso, you see, will hold sugar you pour in for a couple of seconds before it breaks through the foam.

Many coffee drinkers think that getting serious means switching to espresso, which definitely enjoyed a surge in popularity thanks to the whole Starbucks movement. The thing with espresso, though, is that it's just a stronger version of regular coffee, which is something that a lot of people don't quite realize. In fact, espresso machines didn't even exist until 1901. But those with a love for coffee who are looking for a stronger drink, remember this when you're ordering your espresso: the really, really good kind should be able to have some serious hang-time when you toss in that spoon of sugar. Otherwise, you might as well just drink regular coffee.

In fact, ordering coffee is one of the biggest parts of learning to drink it, and if you're going to be using coffee to socialize in new and exciting places, you should probably know what you're getting yourself into. Except early in the morning on the way to work, when you stand at the bar and do a shot of espresso, drinking coffee in Italy is going to set you back at least an afternoon. The same is true in France. Those are a couple of the only countries where you can order a shot of espresso and make it last for a couple of hours, so order accordingly.

If you're not a fan of strong coffee, or don't want to be running around like a speed freak, then get something that's mostly milk and foam. Look for things involving "leche" in the title, as it will mean that you're enjoying some mild coffee with a whole lot of cream or milk. And when in doubt, just order what looks like a larger coffee drink. That way, you'll be able to sip slowly. A love for coffee will not be made by forcing yourself to drink too much of it in a bitter form.

One of the best parts about drinking coffee, especially socially, is the snacks! From Holland to Argentina, you can expect at least a couple of cookies and sometimes even a glass of orange juice, so there's always something to pick at while you're enjoying your coffee. It's also nice, if you haven't eaten, to put something in your stomach that isn't just a cup of caffeine.

Don't forget: the main purpose of drinking any sort of beverage with a group of friends is to socialize. You don't need to be an expert on coffee, or even have a serious love for coffee, to go out and use the excuse of an afternoon cup to make a great friend or get to know a new place better. Just do it.

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Acai Berry Success Stories: Fact or Fiction?

By Travis Van Slooten

As with any food supplemented being touted as a weight loss product, the acai market has its share of acai berry success stories. It usually tells of how someone lost so much weight in just a few days! Some even claim they can help you lose one pound a day. I?m sure that for those who are looking for a way to trim down, all these stories are like music to the ears. But what truth really is there to these claims? The real truth could actually be somewhere in between. As we all know, losing weight is not easy to achieve. Take a closer look at the tales of these individuals and you?ll realize that taking acai berry wasn?t the only thing they did.

First of all, it?s important that you get this fact: acai berry alone will not bring about weight loss. There simply isn?t any medical evidence to support this. So if you use the stairs instead of the elevator for instance, and yet continue to munch on chips for snacks, then you shouldn?t put too much stock on what acai berry can do to help you lose weight. The best you can expect from acai in this case would be getting all the nutritional benefits that your body needs. As for weight loss, it also takes a healthy diet and exercise to successfully achieve it.

This may not be the most appropriate comparison but bear with me. Liken your body to a car engine and acai supplements as a turbocharger. By itself, a turbocharger does nothing, but when it goes with a well-maintained engine and you'll find that car zooming on and performing like it never had. That's exactly how acai berry products can boost your weight loss efforts because it can give you that energy you need to keep up with your fitness program and healthy diet. It's an un unbeatable combination that can lead to real results and not just some lose-weight-quick scheme.

So what exactly is it that makes acai berry so special? The secret lies in the nutritional properties of the berry itself. The acai berry is rich in essential omega fatty acids, protein, and fiber. Proteins are essential to any successful weight-loss program, as they are the building blocks of muscle tissue, and muscle is what burns fat. And a diet rich in fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system, which is always a good idea, especially if you?re trying to lose weight.

Don't take acai berry supplements anticipating that these will be all you need to shed off those extra pounds or you'll end up disillusioned, thinking that acai products have no benefit at all. On the contrary, if you make use of acai berry it as was intended to be utilized ? as a boost to your weight loss program ? you'll realize that it's just the perfect supplement to complement your efforts. Realize that weight loss can only be achieved if you work on it, rather than putting all you hopes on a single product. Once you understand how these supplements can help, you'll soon be having your own acai berry success stories.

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