Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guidelines For Extreme Dieting

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

As much as I am against crash diets, I understand that some people are going to do them regardless of the consequences. So I have decided to provide some tips on how to crash diet while minimizing the negatives.

Now why are extreme diets so dangerous? The biggest down side by far is the massive weight regain that happens because of an altered metabolism. And if taken too far, there can be even worse consequences.

So here is how to minimize the damage of drastic dieting:

1. Understand how to transition away from the diet. The biggest mistake extreme dieters make is to simply resume eating the way they used to once they hit their target weight. Huge mistake. You have to slowly phase out of the diet or else you will rebound with a vengeance.

2. Take a multivitamin. Any extreme diet is going to leave you lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. So you absolutely have to supplement with a high quality vitamin supplement.

3. Do your most important work when you are most alert. Because of circadian rhythm alerting, there are two times during the day when your levels of alertness peak. Identify these times and do your most important work when alertness is at its highest.

4. Distract yourself when the hunger pangs hit. You will feel some extreme hunger pangs with a crash diet. The best thing to do is distract yourself. I knew a wrestler that used to play video game tournaments during the most tough bouts of dieting.

5. Accept that there will be a rebound. No matter how well you transition off of your diet, there will be a certain degree of weight gain rebound. Expect this and do not get frustrated when it happens.

6. Avoid long term dieting. This has the potential to seriously damage your body. Do not do an extreme diet for extended periods of time.

Extreme dieting can seriously alter your metabolism if done for too long or if done incorrectly. If you decide to go on an extreme diet, however, make sure to follow my guidelines!

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