Friday, October 16, 2009

Nutrition And Supplements In Anti-Aging Medicine

By by Anju Mathur, MD

Most of us meander through life with nutrient-depleted bodies, which if remedied, could hugely improve chances for a longer and more productive life. Our highly processed food bought at the supermarket are mostly lacking in nutrition we need, due to currently used farming methods and processing of food. Vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, essential fatting acids, amino acids, antioxidants and other vital nutrients have been reduced or removed.

Catastrophic modern diseases such as cancer or heart disease can actually be beaten when a person decided to do so and apply proper nutrition to the body with the help of a medical professional. In such cases genetics plays a part ? background can either help or hinder a disease.

In order to accomplish wellness one needs to work with medical professionals to find out his or her particular metabolic type and thus find out how the body is processing food. That is far more important than what a specific food does to the body.

Good health is a very valuable possession. In order to attain it, one needs to learn what is a suitable environment and suitable nutrition for the body. Not every body requires the same things. Considerably less time and money is required to prevent aging disease than to cure them later.

Antioxidants such as Glutathione, Vitamins A, C and E and beta-carotene work to rid the body of free radicals. This can slow down aging and undo damage already done. Proven natural therapies can really prevent age-related diseases. One needs to liaise with a professional regarding what nutritional supplements and particular diet plan would be right for him or her. Exercise would also be a necessary ingredient.

While aging isn't caused by any one factor, free radical damage is the dominant theory of why we age. Free radicals are implicated in such diseases as hardening of the arteries, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, late-onset diabetes, and Parkinson?s disease. In addition to free radical damage, your body's everyday processes generate a lot of waste products that must regularly be detoxified and cleared out. There are safe and effective and gentle methods of detoxifying the body along with putting correct nutrition in the body.

Lifespan of mammals can be increased by restricting caloric intake ? much definitive research points to this conclusion. Even limited times of restricted calorie diet can balance hormones and those effects can continue even when normal eating habits are taken up again. A diet plan for the individual is imperative in an anti-aging program.

Get healthy - join the many who have launched themselves on the trail of a productive and energetic old age. Consult your health professional for a specific diet and program of nutritional supplements.

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