Monday, August 31, 2009

Acai Berry the Energy Booster

By Maxine Schill

This may be the biggest claim of acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry juice and supplements which are taking the world by storm is the excellent energy boosting properties being claimed from many of its users. Many claim to see results after just one or two weeks of taking the product. The feedback of the users suggest increased sound sleep, sharp mental skills and digestion.

It may sound a little far fetched but did you know that these fruits contain more protein than an egg? They contain multi vitamin and have a high concentration of lipids " the energy booster noted earlier. The anti oxidant levels are even thirty times higher than that found in grapes and wine which for a long period was known as a good supplement for heart health.

The cholesterol levelers incorporated in the acai berry have been found to be significantly more effective than those of most other natural supplements on the market presently. The importance of this little berry can be evident once you see it contains antioxidants which are good for heart and blood circulation.

It does not stop there. The vitamins and minerals present in this 'super' food actively encourage the uptake of important oils into the connective tissue. What is the meaning of this? To get to the point, the body takes in increased amount of oil needed for muscle regeneration and flexibility " great news for people suffering from arthritis and related diseases.

Therefore, it appears that eating this magical little berry every day is all it takes to get healthier. Don't you want to have more energy, have a sharper mind, feel more awake and know for certain that your heart is receiving a daily boost?

Doctors and scientists have yet to confirm all of the claims being made but in the meantime it couldn't hurt to try out this juice or supplement for yourself. Try taking your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and weight before you start and monitor yourself over a month or so. In this way you won't have to wait for someone else to tell you that you are getting healthier!

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Keep Your Body Young By Finding the Right Nutrition

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Free radicals have been the factors behind various types of neurological problems to hormonal damage. Acai fruit has been found when taken on a regular basis to contain enough antioxidants to fight off these dangerous by-products.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

Dr. Perricone is the one who introduced the mainstream audience to this amazing fruit by writing a book entitled, the Perricone Promise. In this book he writes that the acai berry is the most perfect food on the planet.

In this book, Dr. Perricone also states that the acai fruit berry has every ingredient needed to look and feel younger. Also, according to Dr. Perricone the fruit contains everything needed to revitalize your health and hinder the process of aging.

The acai berry is categorized as a super food that gives you all of the nutrients needed when eradicating, preventing, and fighting harmful radicals. This fruit is defiantly worth researching if your goal is improving your overall health and well being

The acai berry is the perfect food to improve overall health, reduce aging, and fighting free radicals and could be just the missing supplement your body needs to creating the new you.

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Home Acne Treatments

By Rose Williams

Every body understands the value of our facial appearance. The prettier it is, the more advantageous it gets. More than anything else, it is the very first thing that others see when they see you. Generally, our confidence depends on our level of contentment with our physical appearance. When one thinks he or she looks good, confidence really soars.

When growing up, the development of acne or even pimples is a major problem. If you do not have problems involving your face, then congratulations. On the other hand, if you are one of the majority who do have an issue, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Is acne one of your major concerns? Are you spending way too much money on chemical acne treatments? Do you want to apply a treatment but you are worried that it may be too harsh on your skin? Then why not try a more natural way of treating your acne? You do not have to go very far to do it, because the treatment is right there in your own home. The doctor is within you too. The most effective beauty advice of all time is to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Hydrating your body will aid the ablution of your bodily poisons. Just take look after your body and the skin will look after itself.

Healthy and clean behaviour may also help. Make sure that you do not leave make-up on your skin since it contributes to the clogging of your pores, thus causing even more pimples and blackheads. Do not sleep with your make-up on. Also, always keep your hair away from your face, because hair contains natural oils that may contribute to outbreaks of acne in your skin.

Wash your pillow case and face towels very often. Daily, if possible. They are absorbent and they also hold acne-contributors like oil and bacteria as well. Lastly, never, ever squeeze your acne or pimples, since you do not want your face to be as grubby as your fingernails.

Eat healthy food when you have acne. You should try to cleanse yourself not only from the outside but also from the inside. It would really help if you could reduce your intake of oily or fatty food. Eating food rich in fibre helps|is a remedy, since the fibre helps clean your body of waste too. Furthermore, eating food that is considered anti-oxidant would help a lot in order for you to maintain a healthy skin. Furthermore, food rich in Vitamins A, B and D as well as those rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chloride, magnesium, zinc, iron and sodium is also a great help.

Maintain a diet, which is high in beta-carotene and zinc is a great aid not only in the prevention, but as well as in the healing process and anti-scarring by acne. Yes, beauty is only skin deep, but having beautiful skin also makes you feel more beautiful and confident in your self.

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Body Building Tips, Reasons To Avoid Drinking Alcohol When Your Are Trying To Build Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Alcohol really affects the muscle growth process and in the next few lines I am going to tell you why.

Another thing that will frustrate your efforts to build muscle is consuming too much alcohol. People underestimate the affects of alcohol and the way this drug changes their lives.

It negatively affects protein synthesis. The proteins can be made by joining amino acids through the process of Protein synthesis. Because drinking too much alcohol slows a this down to twenty percent and because your muscles consist of protein it is clear what the problem with this is.

It lowers testosterone levels and increases estrogen. Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body. One of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can gain is their level of free-flowing testosterone. If you are serious about building muscle and burning fat, you want all the free testosterone levels you can get.

Alcohol causes dehydration. The body can quickly become dehydrated because the kidneys have to use so much water to be able to process the alcohol. A minimal amount of dehydration can be critical to body builders due to the fact that water is crucial to the muscle-building process. Our body's muscles are made up of 70% water.

The A and B vitamin groups, as well as calcium, phosphorous, and zinc, are drained rapidly when alcohol is consumed. Vitamins and mineral keep little process in body function.

With 7 empty calories per gram, alcohol can actually be quite fattening. Alcohol also disrupts the Kreb's Cycle, which plays an important role in fat burning.

Alcohol consumption affects the quality of your sleep, more so when you consume the alcohol during the hours you normally sleep. Obviously, a good night's sleep each night is crucial to the development of muscle mass. You must also get in enough rest and recovery or your efforts will be thwarted.

My your life worth wild but try not to go to wild cause it can lead to problems. If you want to build muscle you have to limit your alcohol intake.

Don't be afraid to go out and have a good time once in a while, just make sure to keep your drinking nights infrequent and properly nourish yourself to lessen its effects.

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Vitamin D And Maternity

By Julie Xillion

Vitamin D is a great part of proper nutrition, but this great pregnancy nutrient has so many other functions in the body. Vitamin D's role is fundamentally calcium maintenance; in this role it maintains the healthy calcium levels in your bones. When pregnant, vitamin D may work in a similar fashion. However, this specific vitamin also touches hundreds of diverse genes and to affect multiple areas of wellbeing.

The research surrounding vitamin D is expanding on a daily basis, and recently the American Academy of Dermatology has updated their recommendations to caution the public not to not getting sufficient vitamin D. Vitamin D insufficiency is where you do not have the optimal amount of vitamin D circulating in your body, but are not identifiably deficient in the nutrient. In reference to their new guidelines, the American Academy of Dermatology's new guidance is as follows:

"The vitamin D position statement supports the Academy's long-held conviction on safe ways to get this important vitamin - through a healthy diet which incorporates foods naturally rich in vitamin D, vitamin D-fortified foods and beverages, and vitamin D supplements," said David Pariser, president of the American Academy of Dermatology.

"The updated recommendation for individuals who practice daily sun protection acknowledges that while protecting the skin from the damaging rays of the sun is important, so is maintaining adequate vitamin D levels. Concern about vitamin D should not lead people to forego sun protection, but rather prompt a conversation with their physician about how to ensure adequate and safe vitamin D intake while guarding against skin cancer."

Does this alter the guidance on vitamin D and pregnancy? Not specifically. You should still get acceptable sun exposure to manufacture the vitamin and acquire the rest through a healthy and balanced diet. Supplementation may help as well.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

What Are The Benefits Of A Natural Diet?

By Jose Bautista

Anyone can benefit from a healthy diet, but not all have the same nutritional requirements. Pregnant women, children and elder persons have special needs. Patients with hypertension should reduce the consumption of salt and those with high levels of cholesterol should avoid saturated fats. A natural diet will help you to get rid of all these worries, because it provides all the necessary nutrients and minerals, being beneficial for our health. Such a diet has no restrictions, because natural food balances our body.

Processed food provides empty calories, as most nutrients are destroyed during the cooking process. A natural diet is based on the consumption of raw food, having great benefits for our body. Raw food is suitable for anyone, being also used as a natural remedy for a variety of health problems.

Keep in mind that your health is threaten every day by harmful factors from food, air and water. By consuming natural foods, your body will fight effectively against these chemical substances. Eat as often as possible vegetables, fruits, beneficial fats and whole grains.

Because they provide the necessary amount of vitamins and fiber, vegetables and fruits represent the basis of a natural diet. This is possible because most fruits and vegetables are harder to digest, consuming more energy; thus, natural foods help you to achieve not only a better health, but also a perfect weight. Cereals are another important part of the natural diet, because without them any diet can cause various diseases of the digestive system. Keep in mind that you should opt for whole grains and not for processed cereals, which also contain a high intake of sugar.

It's never too late to start a life based on a natural diet, to change your bad eating habits and to improve the quality of life. A recipe for a healthy life should include a diet based on fruits, whole grains, vegetables and protein, preferably of vegetable origin.

By following a natural diet, your energy and intellectual capacity will increase and you'll become more self confident. On long term, a natural diet reduces the risk of chronic diseases, protecting the body from cancers and other conditions.

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Will Water Skiing Actually Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you have ever had the urge to go skimming across the water, light as a bird, into the sun at the lake or river, you should be considering water skiing as the perfect activity for you to undertake. All ages of people enjoy water skiing as a fun, family hobby, and if you want to get out on the water, you'll soon learn that there are other benefits to be derived from water skiing as well.

If you are not aware of how helpful water skiing may be in helping you reduce your bruising easily, you should take a few moments to consider how water skiing might help. If you have been noticing more bruises showing up here and there over the past several months, you probably are ready to discover a means to halt that tendency,

Some medical problems are hinted at by easy bruising, but generally speaking, a certain percentage of people will tend to be subject to bruising easily as they grow older. This is primarily due to the fact that the skin is less elastic and flexible as it was when you were younger and, therefore, provides you with less protection from trauma than you were accustomed to.

If you try pinching the skin on the back of your hand, you can see that it has a more papery appearance than it had in years past. What you are actually seeing is a reduction in the amount of collagen, which is the substance that helps your skin's appearance stay firm and flexible.

Part of the solution to this condition lies in increasing cardiovascular exercise, which as much fun as it is, water skiing definitely qualifies. When you encourage your heart to beat in a more healthy fashion, you are also strengthening the vessels that your blood flows through, both veins and arteries. As these vessels get healthier, you will find that they are much less inclined to break due to light trauma.

Because bruises generally form due to trauma, you will discover that increasing your cardiovascular activity is going to make it much easier for you to avoid easy bruising. When your cardiovascular health is good, you will discover that bruising is something that happens much less frequently, because you will simply be more resistant to it.

To get started with water skiing, all you will likely need is to take a few lessons. Learning won't take a full week at the lake; just a few hours or half a day should be plenty of time to learn all of the basics that you need. You will probably be enjoying skiing with your water skiing friends after just a few lessons.

As much fun as water skiing is, and as much as it can help you with your easy bruising problems due to your increasing your levels of cardiovascular activity, water skiing alone is probably not going to be the complete solution to your bruising. Since water skiing is generally a seasonal activity, you would do well to consider the addition of a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned. This daily program can be the final step in your quest to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

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How Can Acai Fruit Help With Free Radical Damage?

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The acai fruit is a tasteful, fresh, organic fruit that comes with a wealth of antioxidants. In order to prevent damage to the body as well as slow the aging process, antioxidants are needed as part of a regular diet.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Free radicals have been the factors behind various types of neurological problems to hormonal damage. Acai fruit has been found when taken on a regular basis to contain enough antioxidants to fight off these dangerous by-products.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

The acai berry was recently introduced to the mainstream audience by a Doctor by the name of Nicholas Perricone who wrote a book entitled the Perricone Promise. In this book he goes into detail about how the acai berry is what he calls the most perfect food on the planet known today.

In this book, Dr. Perricone also states that the acai fruit berry has every ingredient needed to look and feel younger. Also, according to Dr. Perricone the fruit contains everything needed to revitalize your health and hinder the process of aging.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a diet that will fight off free radicals, improve your health, and reduce aging, then looking further into the benefits of this miraculous super food could be just the next step for you.

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The Exceedingly Beneficial Advantages Of The Brazilian Acai Berry

By Ruby P Washington

The acai berry has a extended and interesting history in Brazil. This diminutive berry can only be located in the rainforests of Brazil and it has for centuries been a primary in the food intake of the inhabitants of the region. Nevertheless, complex processing methods have only recently brought this remarkable little fruit to the rest of the globe.

The acai berry is extremely healthy. It is wealthy with a abundance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, fiber and healthy fat. It is this healthful fat that makes it so perishable that it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree and that is why it has just in the last few years become offered for the world outside of Brazil.

When you supplement your good for your health nutritional plan with acai berry products you can anticipate to see advantages for everything from being obese to problems typically associated with aging to the avoidance of serious illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's prevention. It is the excellent nutrients from this berry that permits your body to work at its maximum levels to create superb wellbeing.

The acai berry has one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any other food, as calculated by the ORAC scale, or the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity scale. It essentially has a higher ranking than any other singular food and it is only exceeded by the spices cinnamon, oregano and cloves and sorghum bran and sumac bran.

Antioxidants are crucial to fine physical condition because they protect against free radical damage in our bodies. Free radicals are volatile molecules that are absent an electron. They are formed anytime our bodies use oxygen. Antioxidants come in and donate the absent electron and thus stabilize the molecule.

If free radicals are not stabilized they lead to disorder in our bodies, often in the form of inflammation. Inflammation left unimpeded can cause our bodies huge stress, which can lead to the formation of critical sickness like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even Alzheimer's disease.

If you complement your already good for you lifestyle with acai berry products you get the benefit of the additional antioxidants from the acai berry. These antioxidants help your body to function at its peak capacities in so doing hindering the problems of aging, obesity and disease.

The acai berry is a naturally occurring contribution from the world that is outstandingly nutritious and health promoting and supplementing with acai berry products can be tremendously advantageous to your excellent physical condition.

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How Alcohol Affects the Muscle Gain Process

By Ricardo d Argence

In the next few lines ai am going to tell you why alcohol affects the muscle growth process.

When working on building your muscles, do not drink a lot of alcohol as this will have a bad impact on your results. knowledge on how it is affecting you.

It negatively affects protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the process where amino acids are joined together to form complete proteins. Excessive alcohol consumption slows this process down by up to 20%, and since your muscles are made up of protein, you can see how this is a problem.

It is able to lower testosterone levels and increase your estrogen. Testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body. Among the factors that can limit the capacity for muscle building is the person's level of available testosterone. You will want to get all the free testosterone levels you can if you are serious about building muscle.

Alcohol causes dehydration. The kidneys must filter very large amounts of water in order to break down the alcohol, and this can result in severe dehydration within the body. Water plays an absolutely crucial role in the muscle-building process, and being even slightly dehydrated is a recipe for disaster. The muscles alone are comprised of 70% water.

Significant vitamins such as A, C, B, Calcium and several others are depleted quickly when you drink alcohol. Natural supplements keep your bodies running correctly and much of this is related to muscular development and maintaining such.

Alcohol can actually be quite fattening with its 7 empty calories per gram. Drinking can also mess with the Kreb's Cycle, which is critical to burning more fat.

Alcohol consumption affects the quality of your sleep, more so when you consume the alcohol during the hours you normally sleep. Obviously, a good night's sleep each night is crucial to the development of muscle mass. You must also get in enough rest and recovery or your efforts will be thwarted.

It's important to have fun in life, but too much fun can lead to problems. If you're serious about achieving significant muscle-building results, you definitely need to monitor your intake of alcohol and make sure that you are consuming it in moderation.

By all means, keep going out and having fun, but space out your drinking nights and make sure you've had a meal to reduce the alcohol's effect.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Proper Foods Keep Disease At Bay

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Research has shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet provides assistance in protecting the body from type 2 diabetes.

The composites of what make the Mediterranean diet so perfect against type 2 is it is robust in olive oil, grains, nuts vegetables, and fish yet it is low in meat, alcohol, and dairy products.

The current studies are showing that the body has a positive effect in regards to cardiovascular disease when a diet such as the one explained is implemented.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

The subjects started the study off by answering a questionnaire that was designed to gauge their overall dietary habits. The 136 questions that were given to the participants, specific questions were asked on how they cooked their foods, what types of oils they used, and dietary products they used.

The 13,000 participants were tracked by a questionnaire that was administered every two years and asked questions about thier lifestyle, eating habits, and overall medical conditions. From this, researchers were able to pick up new cases of diabetes.

The average follow up period turned out to be 4 years and researchers found that the subjects who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. The diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet were expected to have the highest prevalence of risk factors for diabetes such as they got older with age, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This did not happen. In fact the participants had a lower risk of diabetes which suggested that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The primary compounds of the diet include a high intake of fiber, vegetable fat, trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

In addition, a key element of the diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The authors conclude by calling for larger participants and trials to confirm their findings.

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Organic Gardening - How to Make Worm Compost Fertilizer

By Rhonda Abrons

Vermiculture is the fancy word for worm excretion which is worm compost. Heres how to do your own worm composting.

Choose the Proper Container

The most recommended material for a worm compost container is wood as it absorbs moisture and insulates the worms. However, there are some who prefer a rectangular plastic container, although these tend to make the compost soggy. The optimum size for your container is eight to twelve inches deep.

Aerate the bottom

Drill holes at least 2 inches apart all along the container bottom. Plastic containers may need more holes. Raise the bin off the ground with bricks. This provides air flow to the worms and prevents the materials from rotting. Keep a tray underneath the bin to catch excess moisture that can then be used for liquid fertilizer. If your compost comes out too wet, simply drill more holes.

Line with Newspaper

To line the bottom of the container, simply shred newspaper into one inch wide strips and spray with water from a spray bottle until damp. Once this is completed, you will need to add about one cup of sand to the container. The sand assists the worms with their digestion.

Save Kitchen Scraps

Just like home composting, you will need to start collecting your kitchen scraps about one week prior to purchasing your worms. This will be the food your worms will eat in order to excrete your compost material. It is very important that you do not use animal proteins such as meat, bones, cheese and milk as well as any oil based products like mayonnaise or salad dressings. The best food for your worms is egg shells, raw fruits and vegetables, coffee grounds and used tea bags.

Acquire Your Worms

You will need to have at least 2 pounds of worms for each day of food waste. Surprisingly, this works out to be approximately 2,000 worms. The best variations for composting are red worms or red wigglers as they thrive off of organic materials such as rotting fruits and vegetables.

Cover Container

Worms like it dark and moist, so cover with a wooden board when outside. This will also keep away predators. Inside, heavy plastic will do.

Collect Worm Excretions

Within four to six weeks from starting your worm compost you will start to notice the bedding becoming darker. Finally, in about two to three months, there will be very little of your original bedding remaining. If you wish to collect all of the compost or castings at once, simply pour the container onto a tarp or old shower curtain liner. The next step is to shine a light over the piles to ensure the worms move to the bottom. Once you are sure they are at the bottom, begin scooping the castings until all that is left are the worms. Place new bedding, the worms and some of the castings back in your container and start all over again.

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What You Should Know About Natural Sweeteners Before You Make Them Part of Your Diet

By Jamis Hartley

Are natural sweeteners right for you? Many believe all natural is the only way to go, therefore natural sweeteners are right for everyone. At this point the highest level of interest in natural sweeteners is found among those trying to lose weight or those who have a medical condition that is forcing them to reduce sugar intake. Fortunately, there are a lot of choices these days which are great all natural alternatives to sugar. But be careful, some may or may not be the right fit for you. Do a little research and make the right choice. This article will give you a few basics and recommendations to consider.

* Sugar: Has a Glycemic Index of 60 and 4 calories per gram

* Xylitol: Has a Glycemic Index of 13 and 2 and a half calories per gram

* Sorbitol: Has a Glycemic Index of 9 and 2 and a half calories per gram

* Isomalt: Has a Glycemic Index of 8 and 2.1 calories per gram

* Maltitol Syrup: Has a Glycemic Index of 52 and 3 calories per gram

* Lactitol: Has a Glycemic Index of 6 and 3 calories per gram

* Erythritol: Has a Glycemic Index of 0 and .2 calories per gram

Some of these natural sweeteners can cause more digestive problems. Also some, as you can see have a higher Glycemic Index than the others as well as carbohydrates (not included in the list). The only one that does not cause digestive problems is Erythritol. Erythritol, like Xylitol will not cause tooth decay, but Xylitol can cause digestive issues for some. The reason Erythritol does not affect digestion like the others is that it is partially absorbed by the small intestine and is excreted via the bladder (approximately 60-90%). This makes it a more suitable solution for those with current digestive problems.

Found naturally in many fruits and vegetables like pears, melons, potatoes and grapes, Erythritol is abundantly available. Erythritol has many of the desired qualities of sugar and is widely used as a replacement of sugar to sweeten drinks and add flavor to cooking recipes. It is approximately 70% as sweet as sugar but much better for the teeth and body. Diabetics appreciate the fact that Erythritol does not spike the blood sugar levels and makes managing their diabetes easier. There is plenty of information regarding all the different natural sweeteners online and you would do well to read through some portion of it before making the switch.

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Can Cross Country Skiing Actually Help Me Reduce Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you take a tumble down the hill, or if you whack yourself with your own skis as you try to put them away, you're probably going to end up with a bruise, but did you know that cross country skiing might otherwise be a great way for you to get rid of you easy bruising? Lots of people, particularly women, find that as they age, it feels like their skin gets less elastic, and when that happens, they are much more inclined to bruise at the least provocation. If you have ever lightly bumped yourself and then found yourself black and blue the next day, take a moment to figure out how cross country skiing may help you.

To begin with, you need to consider your aptitude for facing an endurance trial, because that is what cross country skiing is. Even though getting started with this sport should be a rather simple, uninvolved process, remember that cross country skiing requires dedication and concentration even from the very beginning. Cross country skiing will build stronger muscles and enhanced coordination, all the while it is strengthening your hips and joints as a bulwark from approaching old age. Mastering cross country skiing requires impressive grace and strength, but how is this going to help you control your easy bruising problem?

Remember the way that bruises form. First, your body is affected by some sort of trauma, and the result is often that the blood vessels near your skin break. When this happens, blood will leak into the traumatized area, but it is not shed because there is no break in the skin. Trauma that will not break the skin but that will break blood vessels is relatively common. One reason why we do end up getting more bruised as we get older is due to the fact that our skin loses a degree of its elasticity and is, therefore, going to be less protective. For this reason we are going to need to make sure that the walls of our blood vessels are properly strengthened, which we can do through paying close attention to our cardiovascular health.

Cross country skiing is an excellent way to enhance your cardiovascular health, and you won't be able to deny how much fun it can be as well. Not only does this give you a great reason to take a winter vacation, you will have plenty to do when you arrive at your snowy destination. You'll wonder why you waited so long to get started when you discover the many advantages gained by cross country skiing.

Taking up cross country skiing alone may not be the complete answer to overcoming your tendency to bruise easily. If not, it is probably time to consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your daily routine. This uniquely formulated, all natural supplement product can reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

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How To Look Taller - Simple Steps To A Taller You

By Shaun Davids

Are you tired of feeling small and want to know how to look taller? You would be surprised how much a wardrobe alteration and a change of attitude can do! These aren't the only ways to make your body taller-by keeping a healthy diet and good posture, you can even prevent many bone damaging ailments that often occur as you age, including shrinkage.

But today we are talking about how you look. Let us start with your clothing. I am sure you have seen people dress to compliment there body shape and size - well this can also be applied to make you look taller. For example - with your work suit, try stick to a single color (darker ones like navy). For a quick height enhancer, wear a dark suit with pinstripes.

Try steer clear of two-toning your clothes - such as wearing dark jeans with a light-colored shirt. This creates a line between the two, making you appear smaller, particularly if your jeans are too high up. If you want to know how to look taller, stay away from plaid and polka dot patterns. Rather choose clothing that hugs your frame, and makes you seem longer than you are.

Your shoes can also have an effect in making you become taller. Wearing heels and height increasing insoles can make you look taller. Wearing large shoes, such as clogs, boots, and tennis shoes, can also aid in the illusion, as they make your feet look bigger.

Also when learning how to look taller, your hair cut makes a big difference. It is best to have shorter hair, as opposed to longer hair that "shortens" your neck and torso.

Maintaining an upright posture will also improve your height. Having a straight back with shoulders back not only makes you look taller, but it makes your core muscles, back and bones stronger, helping you maintain more of your height as you age.

How you feel about yourself can also help you gain height. Although us short people do not have the strongest self esteems, if we can show more confidence, it will actually make us look bigger. When you are happy, upbeat and friendly, people pick up on this and respect you more.

Whereas, if you act sad and vulnerable, with your shoulders slumped, you will appear much shorter and less important to people you come into contact with. So if you want to know how to look taller right now, keep your head held high, and become a more positive person.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Walking for Fitness

By Dr. Jason Fowler

While some fitness enthusiasts relentlessly seek out the latest and trendiest exercise crazes, many others are returning to good, old-fashioned walking to help them feel great and get into shape. Whether enjoying the wonder of nature, or simply the company of a friend, walking can be a healthy, invigorating experience. And thanks to its convenience and simplicity, walking just might be right for you too, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).

Benefits: You don't need to become a member of an expensive gym to go walking. And except for a good pair of walking shoes, it requires virtually no equipment.

"A sedentary lifestyle has debilitating influence on people's health as they age" says Dr. Jerome McAndrews, national spokesperson for the ACA. "Exercise is imperative." Walking accomplishes all of the following and more:

Improves cardiovascular endurance Tones muscles of the lower body Burns calories: about 80 if walking 2 miles per hour, and about 107 if walking 4 1/2 miles per hour Reduces risk of heart disease Shoes The first item of business when beginning your walking program is to select the right pair of shoes. Dr. McAndrews recommends the following tips:

Make sure the shoes you purchase fit properly. The balls of your feet should rest exactly at the point where the toe end of the shoe bends during walking. Avoid high-top shoes, that, often cover the entire ankle, limiting your foot's ability to move freely and naturally. Opt instead for shoes that offer your ankle a fuller range of motion.

Select shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of your walking.

Getting Started Walking just 12 minutes every other day can offer important health benefits. Walking 20 minutes every other day is even better. But in order to increase your longevity, try to eventually work up to 30 minutes, five days per week. The following tips should help you get started safely and smoothly:

Move your arms freely, in coordination with the opposite leg. Don't stoop your head or look down as you walk. This will challenge the normal forward curve of your neck, which, in turn, will cause you to carry your weight improperly. Don't carry weights or dumbbells while walking. They're better used as a separate part of your exercise regimen. If you do carry weights while walking, be sure that they are light enough that they do not interfere with the "rhythm" of your arms and legs; in order to counterbalance the body, when your right arm moves forward, the left leg should be moving forward, etc. Expect a little soreness in the thighs and calves for the first week or two. If you experience more than soreness, check with your doctor of chiropractic. Walk briskly, with "purpose." Simply "sauntering," while relaxing and enjoyable, is not an effective form of cardiovascular exercise. Keep in mind that, if you have not previously been physically active, you should consult your doctor before. Begin slowly with a walk of perhaps half of a mile at a pace that does not cause discomfort. Continue this for about two weeks, then start to increase the pace and length of time walking. Eventually - depending on your age - you can build your "target" heart rate/pulse to either 120 beats per minute or, if younger, as many as 140 beats per minute. For the average adult, a heart rate of 120 beats per minute would require walking at about 2 miles per hour, while a heart rate of 140 beats per minute would require a pace of 4 1/2 miles per hour.


Drink 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day to help keep the kidneys active, dilute and remove toxins from the body, and replace lost fluids. (Coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol are diuretics/dehydrators. Don't substitute them for water.) If you perspire during walking, you may need to drink even more.

Surfaces: Some walking surfaces are better than others on your musculoskeletal system.

Walking on a cushioned or rubberized track is ideal because the cushioning of this type of track absorbs most of the impact of your walking. Many recreation centers offer this type of track free of charge.

Grass is another good surface, but watch out for hidden dips or holes in the ground. Walking on a surface with no give, such as concrete or a mall floor, is not your best choice, because this type of surface will not absorb much of the impact your body will experience. If you do choose to walk on such a surface, be extra careful to select highly cushioned shoes.

Pain and Injury: Dr. McAndrews explains that while you may experience pain or injury in a particular area, such as a knee or a hip, the root of the problem can lie somewhere else. "Injuries of this nature are not regional, or isolated, but systemic," says Dr. McAndrews. "A problem in the foot or ankle can create an imbalance in every step, leading to discomfort or injury that moves to the knees, hips, low back, or elsewhere." If you suffer from pain beyond typical muscle soreness, your doctor of chiropractic can diagnose and treat your pain or injury and get you back into the swing of your walking routine.

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Essentials To Live Health And Fitness

By Peter Werth

Living a life of health and fitness is hard but it is not impossible. In fact, with discipline and commitment, you can actually change your habits and finally get rid of those habits that affect your health.

To help you, here are some of the ways that you can start with your healthy lifestyle.

1. There are a lot of people who start eating healthy and living healthy who will fall back to their old ways after some time. Don't be like those people. If you are already part of those people who burn their lungs out everyday, the best bet is to make a commitment to quit. By doing this, you are already halfway to recovery. Start when you feel that you really want it bad enough and you can really do it. Will power can be really amazing.

2. Changing old habits whether foregoing with a bad diet or quitting a vice, is hard but when done with people who live and support you, the task can be easier and more manageable. This is the reason why diets and programs for quitting alcoholism and smoking have support system programs within their organization. People who share your experiences whether or not they are undergoing the same things as you are will help encourage you to continue with the goals that you have set.

3. Skip the Soda and even the iced tea As much as you can, drink water. This is the safest and healthiest drink there is. Sodas even the diet ones, are carbonated and contain high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates which can later be translated into fats. You can also try drinking green tea which can help in the digestive system. Iced tea may be tamer than sodas but these drinks also contain a lot of sugar which can pile up in the body. Stick to water and drink lots of it.

You should also avoid going to places that you know will tempt you to go back to your old ways. If you have friends for instance who influence you to not eat and not live healthy, don't go with them for the meantime especially if you know that you will only be tempted when you are with them.

4. Sometimes, we go back to our old ways not because we want to but because it is something that your bodies are already so used to. Another way to start living a life of health and fitness without having to shell out money and make lots of effort is to schedule an exercise routine every day. Exercise will also strengthen your bones and your body, promote better breathing and cellular activity, clear the brain and of course keep those extra calories out of the body. People who are constantly being reminded of how they should proceed have better chances of making it through the program than those who are just doing it alone.

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Losing Weight Tips That Really Work

By April Kerr

The weight loss industry is a thriving business. Everywhere you look these days you will see advertisements for a new fad diet. It almost seems that new ones spring up every day. Many people turn to these fad diets in order to lose a few pounds, and get into shape. Some may achieve results that probably would have been achieved anyway, because of their habits and lifestyle. Unfortunately, more often the case is the person with a large amount of weight to be lost, who looks for the solution, with the promises made by fad diets. When the results are not achieved, they move on to the next fad diet, which will cost more money, and yield no positive results.

Understanding that the "diet industry" is in business to make money is important here. Unfortunately, it is very much reliant upon these individual's failure, in order to ensure their purchase of the next fad diet program. Let's face it, there are very few programs that offer a one-time membership fee for life. Programs that do offer this, as well as quite low fees, are generally the real deal. Beware of any program which is selling a specific food item, designed to create weight loss, but is only available through this program. These fad diets are not designed with healthy weight loss in mind, but rather to make money.

The truth that the diet industry does not want people to know is this. You do not need them! Healthy, long-lasting week loss does not need to be expensive. Everything that is needed to become slimmer, healthier, and feel great is available to just about everyone, free of charge. There is much to be said for determination, hard work, and willpower. Sadly, most overweight individuals have been convinced that their weight issue is the result of lack of determination and willpower. This can not be further from the truth. It seems that a person who understandably has failed with a fad diet, and yet it's on to the next one, has quite a bit of determination, as well as a serious desire to achieve their weight loss goals.

Anyone who is overweight should forget about all of the negative comments that have been made towards them. There is no benefit, or need for blame. Every person deserves and has the right and to feel good. Forget about the "failures" and look toward the success. Love yourself.

What is needed to obtain success, is a comfortable pair of shoes, a lightweight, comfortable outfit, a water bottle, and an excellent healthy eating plan. Eliminate sugar from you diet (except for an occasional small reward). Eat larger portions of fresh vegetables and fruit. Limit carbs, fat, and meat, and drink a healthy amount of water.

Permanent weight loss will be achieved through healthy eating, regular exercise, and good habits.

Eat foods that are good for you, and taste good. Find ways to have fun with exercise. Drink plenty of water, and be good to yourself. You will eventually find that you are achieving your weight loss goals.

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Buy Muira Puama Herb: Natural Ingredients to Improve Your Life

By Marvin Graham

By reading this entire article, you will learn the names of the two herbs that have been used most successfully in treating anxiety panic attacks, and you will learn about six others that have been used with success by some anxiety sufferers. Because of all this helpful information, you will want to read this article from this point to the end.

There are numerous prescription medications available to treat anxiety panic attack. Four of the most popular"families" of medications used in anxiety and treatments are Benzodiazepine, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Tricyclic Antidepressants and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors [MAOI].

Certainly where someone is feeling so anxious or depressed that the medical profession would categorize them as clinically depressed or anxious immediate help should be sought from a professional. However where someone is suffering from a milder form of anxiety then there may be alternatives to the common anti-depressant drugs that often appear to make things worse for less serious cases.

St. John's wort - In the world of herbs for depression St. John's wort has garnered the most attention from researchers. Positive research results seem to support its effectiveness in treating mild depression. It is thought that this natural herb works by reducing the rate at which brain cells reabsorb the neurotransmitter (brain messenger) serotonin, low levels of which have been linked to depression.

Popular herbs for anxiety and depression include St. Johns Wort, Kava, Passion Flower, Ginseng and SAM-e, and many have reported positive benefits to taking these herbs. St. Johns Wort probably has the largest body of supporting evidence and is widely used. Again remember that you should consult your physician before taking any medication, even herbal, and do not take multiple herbal remedies at the same time without consultation with a professional.

There are other herbal supplements that have helped some panic attack sufferers. The first of these is called 5-HTP. It is said to reduce anxiety by increasing levels of serotonin. One study has shown that 5-HTP can be helpful in panic attacks and is a good anxiety treatment for people who suffer anxiety and depression. along with restlessness or racing thoughts.

If you if your anxiety attacks are only mild to moderate, passionflower may help calm your nerves. Valerian has also been shown to reduce anxiety in a few studies. Other supplements that have been used with success by some anxiety sufferers include Tryptophan which is an amino acid, fish oils and GABA.

Additionally, the main advantage for choosing an herbal depression remedy is not so much in the clinical advantages as it is in the area of safety. While not all herbal remedies for depression are safe for everyone, they do have substantially less side effects than current antidepressant medications such as Zoloft; for this reason alone they are an option worth considering.

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Best Tips in Designing a Personal Fitness Plan

By Jesse Regan

A lot of people these days are now becoming more aware of the significance of staying fit to help them achieve the most out of their lives. Thus, it is also equally significant for people to be able to formulate a fitness plan of their own that would best fit their lifestyles and personalities. Moreover, proper guidance and supervision from professionals in the same and related fields are necessary to help conduct the exercises properly and safely.

In coming up with a personal fitness plan, various elements are given equal significance. A person's maximum heart rate is among those elements to best design the fitness program. This known step is not that difficult to go with. A basic calculation simply suggests that an individual has to subtract his own age from 220 to get the result of his own maximum heart rate. However, a modern and revised formula has come up which requires the person's age to be multiplied by 0.7 before deducting it from 208. An individual's maximum heart rate is needed in order to determine the type of intensity that is allowed to be applied on the exercises.

Aside from the maximum heart rate, exercise intensity is directly influenced by the overall goal of an individual. The most common recommendable exercises for average instances especially for those who are new in the field is 50-60 percent of the person's maximum heart rate. For more improvement and muscle development, an individual can go for exercises that are 60-70 percent of the maximum heart rate. In some cases, athletes engage in exercises with greater intensities than the ones mentioned above from which they can go for 75-85 percent of their maximum heart rate.

Exercises vary greatly and it is better for an individual to perform exercises that are able to apply intensities on larger groups of muscles. Continuous exercises are also good ones to execute for much better results. This kind of exercises simply includes walking, swimming, cycling, climbing stairs, running, skiing, and aerobic dances. This sort of exercises are the best ones to use and they are also often performed by athletes for most of their cross trainings to achieve far better improvements.

Exercise frequency is also another factor that plays a major role in every person's personal fitness plan. This is only done if an individual gives consideration on his level of conditioning, work out intensities, and the overall goal. One basic example is the recommendation of those who perform exercises with greater intensities to have more rest. Thus, frequency of the exercises is decreased accordingly with the intensity of the work outs. Generally, recommendable regular exercises are to be done 3 to 5 times a week.

The duration of each work out session is also well considered in the plan. Typically, an individual is required to have at least 30 minutes of exercises for 3 to 5 times a week while another 30 minutes is added for people who are aiming for far better improvements. Moreover, warm up and cool down exercises are also greatly considered. This type of exercises is needed to refrain from encountering muscle cramps and to better prepare the muscles for more intense exercises. You have there a great tip about fitness tips .

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Buy Pau D'arco Bark: Efficient Natural Herbal Products

By Mike Hagler

Pau d'arco comes from the bark of trees that grow in Brazil, Argentina and other tropical regions. Pau d'arco has been used for hundreds of years for its powerful antifungal and immune building properties. The trees withstand the growth of fungi, making it ideal for external and internal use.

The Pau d'arco tree is a broad-leaf evergreen that grows to a height of 125 feet and produces violet colored flowers which accounts for it's often being called the "trumpet tree". It grows well in Peru and Argentina high in the Andes. It can be found growing in the low-lying areas of Paraguay and Brazil.

It's use goes back in history to before the Incas. Pau d'arco tree was used to make hunting bows and as a medicine. It was observed by indigenous people that when the tree was alive and even after it was cut down, it never developed growth of mold, mildew, or fungi.

The Guarani and Topi Indians refer to the tree as "tajy, which means "to have strength and vigor" i.e. good health. Tribal medicine people peeled off the tree's bark in long strips. They then separated the inner and outer layers and used the inner bark to make healing teas.

Pau d' arco has crystalline oxygen infused in it's inner bark, which is rich in iron, calcium, selenium, vitamins A, B-complex and C., magnesium potassium and sodium. These pau d'arco nutrients make give it antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal action which stimulates the immune system and fights disease.

Pau darco has been found more effective that pharmaceutical medication by many people. Not only does the herb have antifungal, antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, it has also been a cure for inflammations, skin injuries, psoriasis, and even vaginal yeast infections. In some parts of South America, it is even used as a mouthwash, again, because of its antibacterial quality.

Externally, pau d'arco may be used to treat of a variety of inflammatory skin problems and infections, including fungal infections, hemorrhoids, eczema and wounds.

It can however, be used along with other cancer treatments. Pau d'arco is given free by the Argentina government to cancer patients and also leukemia patients because of it's blood purifying qualities and because it has been know to reduce pain caused by cancer and it's treatment because of pau

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Arm Fat And Dietary Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

I believe that the majority of the population understands how important dietary fat is. What's so special about it? Well, it plays a critical role in the production of fat-incinerating hormones.

It also slows down digestion significantly. What will a slower digestion rate do for you? It will keep insulin low. And low levels of insulin translate into the fastest rate of fat loss.

Thus, here is a quick summary of dietary fat for losing arm fat:

1. Subcutaneous fat: Also known as triglycerides, this type of fat is what obscures muscle definition. In other words, it prevents most women from getting great arm tone. It can also be considered a storage fat.

2. Sat fat: Short for saturated fat, you should make sure that there aren't high levels of this stuff in your diet. It will set back your sexy arm mission by many steps. How? By increasing insulin resistance. In other words, your body's ability to process carbs.

3. Omega-9 fat: Also known as monounsaturated fat, omega-9 fat does a really good job at minimizing inflammation in the body. Olive oil falls into this category and is great for cooking because it resists high temperatures.

4. Omega-3 and 6 fats: Called polyunsaturated fats, these are probably some of the most healthy molecules you can put into the female body. But don't overdo it here. If you have more than 3 grams of fish oil per day, you run the risk of heart damage.

5. Partially hydrogenated fats: Also known as death fat, they are great for decreasing life span. No joke. Harvard researchers have clearly demonstrated that no amount of trans fat is healthy. So stay away from it at all costs.

If you really want to get rid of bingo wings, you have to have a serious amount of healthy fat in your diet. Do not avoid fat just because it's higher in calories. It simply does too much good for the female body.

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4 Benefits Of High Protein Diets For Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Picking the right diet for getting toned arms can be almost impossible. There is simply too much marketing hype out there for the average woman to make an informed decision.

I have been in this predicament many times before.

Even more confusing is when the top experts can't come to a consensus on what nutritional approach is best for losing fat. If they can't agree, how are you supposed to make an informed decision?

The good news is that I've used myself as a guinea pig for every single diet out there. And I've also looked at all the research many times over.

So without further ado, here are 4 reasons why high-protein diets are effective for reducing flabby arms:

1. Easy to do: All you have to do here is take out carbs from your diet. It doesn't get much easier than this.

2. Fastest weight loss: Although mostly water, this type of diet will produce the fastest weight loss. So if watching the scale move quickly is your thing, this diet may suit you.

3. Loss of hunger: Once you dip into ketosis (a couple days after total carb restriction), your appetite will almost vanish. No joke! I used to have a very hard time eating enough calories when in ketosis.

4. Ultra low levels of insulin: I'm sure you've heard of insulin before, and for good reason: it controls how much arm fat you can lose. So if insulin is at an all time low, arm fat burning is at an all time high.

Now don't run to the grocery store to load up on a bunch of steaks. There is a dark side to high protein diets-they come with many risks. Unfortunately, it's impossible for me to give a complete review of said diets in the space of a single article. So stay tuned. And make sure to do lots of UNBIASED research before settling with a diet plan for getting rid of flabby arms!

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Buy Pau D'arco Bark: Relief That Works

By Tyjuan Giordano

A thousand years ago, the Incas of Peru found the inner bark of the pink-flowered lapacho tree indispensable for treating fever, sore throat, dysentery, snakebite, bladder and yeast infections, and even cancer. They also used its wood to make bows for hunting.

The herb suddenly rose to fame! A decade later however, the National Cancer Institute determined that the quantity needed of the cancer curing drug in pau d'arco would have too many dangerous side effects. As a result, the "miracle drug" lost its place of prestige.

In the 1950s, Brazilian researchers confirmed that this ancient medicine is indeed anti-bacterial. Among more recent investigations:

First, the research isolated the chemical lapachol in pau d'arco that they felt cured the cancer. Since then Researchers have isolated over 20 active chemicals in pau d'arco. Some feel it is a combination of several or all these together that makes it effective. Second, it has been shown that the use of the whole herb does not create the side effects that extracted lapachol causes.

Pau d'arco has certain anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activity, including against herpes I and II. It may reduce viral replication, according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Pau d'arco is available in health food stores in capsules, tinctures, and as dried bark. The recommended dosage is one to two capsules or one to two droppers of tincture taken one to four times per day, depending on the condition and patient.

Early reports declared pau d'arco to be useful in treating leukemia and other cancers, but the National Cancer Institute's research into lapachol (the constituent with the most anti-tumor activity) was halted due to mild side effects. More recent lab tests in Korea determined that another constituent, beta-lapachone, kills cancer cells of the lung, colon, and prostate. Pau d'arco is some time away from being used to treat cancer, but the Incas may have been on the right track.

The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, can trigger side effects and can interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a health care practitioner. Talk to your doctor to determine the proper dose of pau d'arco, because too much can be dangerous. Pregnant and nursing women should not take pau d'arco.

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Colon Cleansing Herbs: Take That Natural Approach

By Matt Foster

It is a well known fact that the atmosphere and the food we eat and drink are crammed with harmful chemicals that enter the body and add to the build up of toxins that hamper the proper functioning of the body. Add to this the pesticides and fumes we breathe in unknowingly adding to the build up of toxins. Before long the body will begin to reel under the effects of these harmful toxins and will need to be cleansed. This cleansing process is called detoxification.

Our body does have a natural cleansing mechanism and this works through the kidney and liver at times the system can become over burdened and may need some external help from us to clean out the circulatory and excretory systems of the body. Some of the processes practiced for detoxification is prolonged fasting. This is an unhealthy process as the body needs nutrients to sustain itself. The best way is to resort to a detox diet assisted with detox body herbs as well.

Dietary changes. Adhering to dietary guidelines is a very important part of detoxification. Toxins cannot be eliminated while they continue to enter the body. Because the kidneys are unable to function properly without sufficient water intake, drinking plenty of water during a cleanse is a necessity. Consuming a high-fiber diet that includes plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains is also important. That is because fiber helps to absorb and eliminate toxins as it passes through the digestive tract.

After one recognises what the herbal detoxification will do for them then it's time to construct a list of everything that you will eat during the period. But in order to know that you will have to choose how long you wish the process to last. A lot of folks decide to go 2 to 3 days on the diet; however, it's only essential to complete 1 entire day, a 24 hour period. This is chiefly because your body will profit from everything that you eat the 1st day and the 2d twenty-four hours is not essential. Carrying out an herbal detoxification for one day is also the fastest way to have the process over.

Psyllium seeds. These herbs induce bowel movements and clean the bowls of toxins very effectively. The herb itself acts like a sponge absorbing the toxins and passing out with the excreta. Cascara Sagrada is another very effective laxative that is used to flush out the toxins from the system and is used along with the psyllium seeds.

Most of the ingredients that one will wish to eat on an herbal detoxification are all types of herbs, like cayenne pepper, garlic, primrose oil, flax seed, parsley, and even cinnamon. All of these ingredients may be blended in the other foods that you digest during a complete detoxification.

Dandelion roots are herbs with the strongest detoxifying properties. These herbs are used to clean the gall bladder of waste as also the kidneys. The Dandelion root is used in conjunction with other detox herbs as other organs need to be cleansed simultaneously.

Nutrient supplementation. Supplementing the diet with extra vitamins and minerals, particularly those with antioxidant properties (vitamins A, C, E and the minerals selenium and zinc) and B vitamins, may prove beneficial. A multivitamin and mineral supplement may be used to support the body as it purges toxic chemicals.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Buy Muira Puama Herb: Natural Ingredients to Improve Your Life

By Roy Gonzalez

The term "impotence" has traditionally been used to signify the inability of the male to attain and maintain erection of the penis sufficient to permit satisfactory sexual intercourse. Impotence, in most circumstances, is more precisely referred to as erectile dysfunction as this term differentiates itself from loss of libido, premature ejaculation, or inability to achieve orgasm.

Muira puama is a bush / small tree up to 5 meters in height and produces pungent flowers with a jasmine like fragrance.

Muira Puama is usually prepared by treating the barks and roots of the shrub in order to extract the active ingredients. The precise mechanisms by which Muira Puama affects the body are not clearly understood.

Murapuama has been used as a herb in Europe for some time and is listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, a source on herbal medicine from the British Herbal Medicine Association, and is recommended for the treatment of dysentery and impotence.

It is from the Olacaceae family, and the genus is Ptychopetalum (species olacoides) and is also known as Muira Puama, Marapuama, Marapama, Potency Wood and Potenzholz. The bark and roots are used in herbal treatments.

For example, Muira Puama has been extensively studied by the Sexology Institute of Paris, France. A high percentage of participants in scientifically controlled case studies reported that taking Muira Puama extract was highly effective in increasing erectile efficiency and libido.

Like with any medication, there are potential side effects of Muira Puama. The most commonly noted side effect is insomnia. Some users have reported feeling jittery and having increased occurrences of muscle spasms. No serious side effects have been reported.

Muira puama contains: The active constituents are free long-chain fatty acids, sterols, coumarin, alkaloids and essential oils. Chemically, it contains .05% muirapuamine, .4% fat, .5% alkaloids, .6% pholbaphene, .6% alpha-resinic acid, .7% beta resinic acid, .5% of a mixture of esters including behenic acid, lupeol and beta-sitosterol, as well as tannin, volatile oils and fatty acids.

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Women Fitness Tips - How To Achieve Flat Abdominals

By Chris Tan

What comes to your mind first when you think of losing weight and getting six pack abs? If your answer is the latest Fat Burner pill that blocks out calories or performing 200 crunches a day, this article will be of great help to you. There are too many companies that are offering the latest solutions to losing weight and blocking fat. However, they usually help you lose weight only in the form of water loss.

Achieving weight loss and sexy six pack abdominals requires more than miracle diet pills and thousands of crunches. It requires ab specific exercises; cardio exercises that burn fat and a proper diet that keeps fat intake low.

Top exercises for abdominals

Firstly, traditional crunches are not as effective as most people think they are. Although most people will mention crunches to you when you ask them for ab exercises, they do not work as well as many other exercises. The top exercise for working your abdominals is the bicycle crunch. Other exercises that effectively workout your abs include the captain leg raise, reverse crunches, exercise ball crunches, vertical leg crunches and the ab rocker. As you can see, the traditional crunch appears nowhere within the best ab exercises.

Fat burning cardio exercises

Next; you will need to learn how to perform cardio exercises that help you to keep the fat off. If you are thinking of long distant runs, you are wrong again. Long distant runs are not the best way to lose fat. When it comes to exercise, intensity is the key. By doing short sprint sets, you will be enjoying better fat loss benefits from a higher intensity workout. Other high intensity cardio exercises include skipping and stair climbing.

Diets to keep fat levels low

Diet plays a major role in achieving those desired six pack abs. No matter how affective your workout is, it won't gain you a six pack unless you control the fat level in your diet. Eliminating sugar and replacing it with high fiber is a great start in keeping fat levels low. In addition, whole meals and a multivitamin are additional aids in a low fat diet.

You should realize by now that ab exercises play a much smaller role when it comes to achieving flat abs. Try to plan a 6 pack routine with regular cardio workouts and some ab exercise workouts. Do not forget your diet and you will be on your way to seeing those packs real soon!

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Catuaba Bark Extract: Tired of Being Sick? Try Herbs Natural Herbal Support

By Marcus Harrison

A large amount of confusion exists today regarding the actual species of tree that is harvested in Brazilian forests and sold around the world as "catuaba." Experienced Brazilian harvesters will refer to two species: a "big catuaba" and a "small catuaba." The confusion thickens when relating these trees to approved botanical species names. "Small catuaba" is Erythroxylum catuaba (A. J. Silva ex. Raym.-Hamet - the name was accepted in 1936), which grows 2-4 m tall and sports yellow-to-orange flowers and, in Brazil, is referred to as catuaba. "Big catuaba," in the mahogany family, is Trichilia catigua (A. Juss.), which grows 6-10 m tall, has cream-colored flowers and - in Brazil - is referred to as catigu and angelim-rosa.

Catuaba bark is one of several herbs that contains many beneficial compounds that can be helpful to a number of health conditions. Catuaba bark refers to the bark of the Catuaba tree, which grows in the rainforests of Brazil.

Erythroxylum catuaba and Trichilia catigua are the preferred Brazilian herbal medicine species, with the longest documented history of use as "big and little catuaba." Both types are used interchangeably in Brazilian herbal medicine systems for the same conditions.

The catuaba tree does not contain any of the active cocaine alkaloids. There is some confusion over which species of tree is harvested in Brazil and sold as catuaba. There are generally two species of tree referred to, including the small catuaba previously mentioned and a big catuaba tree which belongs to the mahogany family.

In Brazilian herbal medicine today, catuaba is considered a central nervous system stimulant with aphrodisiac properties. A bark decoction is commonly used for sexual impotency, agitation, nervousness, nerve pain and weakness, poor memory or forgetfulness, and sexual weakness.

According to Dr. Meira Penna, catuaba "functions as a stimulant of the nervous system, above all when one deals with functional impotence of the male genital organs . . . it is an innocent aphrodisiac, used without any ill effects at all." In Brazil it is regarded as an aphrodisiac with "proven efficacy" and, in addition to treating impotence, it is employed for many types of nervous conditions including insomnia, hypochondria, and pain related to the central nervous system (such as sciatica and neuralgia).

To date, no toxicity studies have been done on catuaba - but its long history of use in Brazil has reported no toxicity or ill effects. In fact, according to Dr. Meira Penna, the only side-effects are beneficial - erotic dreams and increased sexual desire! While no clinical research has validated the traditional use of catuaba as an aphrodisiac, it continues to be used widely for its ability to enhance sexual drive and increase libido in both men and women.

In the last several years, its popularity has grown in the North American herbal market, with various products (especially libido formulas) now available in health food stores. Catuaba is also showing up in other formulas for depression, stress and nervous disorders. (The jury's still out as to which species is being sold, however!) Interested consumers should seek a reputable manufacturer and product - with a verified plant source and botanical species for the herbal ingredient being sold.

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Steps to a Speedy Recovery After Knee Arthroscopy

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Recovery from knee arthroscopy is fairly quick, especially when compared with recovery from open knee surgery. Still, it is important to follow all of your orthopedic surgeons instructions for the fastest recovery possible.

The Best Ways To Keep Swelling Down

One thing your orthopedic surgeon is sure to tell you is that you must elevate your leg and apply ice to your knee to reduce pain and swelling following surgery. This is most important in the days immediately following surgery.

What to Do About Your Dressing

You will leave the hospital with a bandaged knee. It is important to keep that bandage on for the first day. After you take it off, it is OK to take a shower, but be sure not to spray water right on your knee. Keep your knee clean and dry until the incisions are healed. Definitely avoid soaking in the bath.

In a few days, you will have an appointment to see your orthopedic surgeon for a followup appointment. At this appointment, the orthopedic surgeon will tell you about your surgical findings and review your treatment plan with you.

Weight Bearing - Things to Keep In Mind

Click here for more on knee surgery rehabilitation .

Usually, you can walk without assistance right after surgery. In some instances, your orthopedic surgeon may tell you to use an assistive device. If you are sent home with a cane, walker, or crutches, be sure to use them until your orthopedic surgeon tells you to stop. Follow your orthopedic surgeons instructions, and do your exercises, and you will gain strength bit by bit. Check with your orthopedic surgeon before you drive. This is usually alright after about a week.

Using Exercise to Strengthen Your Knee

Your exercise plan may consist of a list of exercises given to you by your orthopedic surgeon, or he or she may send you to a physical therapist. Whatever plan your orthopedic surgeon devises, be sure to follow it closely for quick, effective results.

Remember Your Medications

Prevention of infection and pain management are important components of your recovery. You will probably have a prescription for antibiotics and a prescription for pain medications. Be sure to follow the directions your orthopedic surgeon gives you to avoid infection and recover with the least amount of pain.

Will There Be Complications?

Arthroscopic knee surgery rarely generates complications. If any occur, they are usually mild and easily managed. They include, an accumulation of blood around the knee, possible blood clots, and possible infection.

Here Some Signs To Look Out For

Contact your orthopedic surgeon ASAP if you experience:

1) A fever that is high & persistent

2) Periods of chills

3) Redness or a hot feeling around the knee

4) Pain that increases and/or persists

5) Swelling in the knee that seems exaggerated

6) Increasing pain in your calf muscle

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Colon Cleansing Herbs: Detoxify Your Body

By Roy Gonzalez

The immune system is the body's defence mechanism, fighting infection and disease on the front line. A person's frequency of illness is very much dependent on the strength of their immune system, which is made up of a complex network of lymph channels and nodes. Certain detox herbs have beneficial properties to the immune system, and are a perfectly natural way of removing those nasty toxins from the immune system for less frequent illness and a feeling of better all round general wellbeing.

Therefore it is easier to do blood cleansing fast during spring and summer. Maybe the most important thing is to be mentally prepared. If you strongly "feel like it", then it is the right time for blood cleansing fast.

Another herbs which is a natural laxative and is good for flushing the system is cascara sagrada. This goes some way to help strengthen the colon and related muscles, and is often used along side psyllium seeds.

To carry the toxins out of your body with blood cleansing fast you need to drink at least 8 cups of steam-distilled water every day. Use herbal extracts to aid in blood cleansing. Drink juices made of beets, lemons, carrots and leafy greens.

Chlorophyll in leafy greens builds up the blood with important nutrients, promotes regularity, and inhibits cellular damage from radiation. This makes Chlorophyll an essential part of any blood cleansing therapy. Good sources for Chlorophyll are wheatgrass, barley, and alfalfa juices.

You can use these herbs in any combination or independently to aid in blood cleansing. Dandelion, burdock, licorice, rhubarb, sage, shiitake mushroom, ginsengs, hawthorn, pau d'arco, and red clover. If you have high blood pressure, don't use licorice or ginseng at all and not more than 7 days in a row when healthy. Sage is not an option for you during blood cleansing fast if you have any kind of seizure disorder, and avoid Siberian ginseng if you have hypoglycemia or heart disorder.

The use of herbs as part of a detox programme is not a new idea, and the healing and cleansing properties of these plants have been known for thousands of years. They are only now beginning to see more mainstream acceptance, and be used to detoxify patients worldwide. The detox is a particularly important concept in today's environment, with dirty polluted air and processed foods full of toxins. By making use of these natural resources, you can effectively flush out your system, leaving you looking and feeling a great deal better, with fewer and less severe illnesses as a result of a strengthened immune system.

To cleanse the mucous membranes you can use goldenseal for one week at a time. If you are allergic to ragweed use it with caution. Borage seed, ginkgo biloba, and sarsaparilla help to restore the acid/alkaline balance.

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