Tuesday, August 18, 2009

10 Reasons Why You Must Try Acai Berry

By George Alarcon

The Acai Berry is a tiny fruit is power packed with antioxidants, and has recently become the most popular fruit in the Northern Hemisphere. There are ten main reasons why this little berry has become the mainstream.

Acai Berry is the perfect source of carbohydrates, therefore providing an individual with a huge boost of energy and stamina.

Weight loss seems to be the an important reason why most people seek out these little berries. The essential fatty acids and amnio acids that work together to help your body function and burn fat more efficiently.

3. Acai berries provide increased energy. As a source of protein, the berry increases energy.

4. Acai Berries do not just strengthen the heart muscle, but all the muscles and bones in the body. In case of an injury, Acai can reduce recovery time and help the body to heal more fully.

5. Because of the natural cleansing function of the Acai Berry, it can aid in weight loss by ridding the body of toxins that weigh it down.

6. It also contains high amounts of fiber, and provides the body with several vital minerals and vitamins.

7. All the benefits of the Acai Berry increase a person's life span. This reduces the effects of aging and inevitably makes people look and feel younger.

8. Acai Berries increase the effectiveness of the memory and overall mental function.

9. The digestive system is improved by regular consumption of Acai.

Last but certainly not least, the Acai Berry is down right delicious. It can be used in smoothies, shakes and juices. It's sweet but slightly tart taste has tantalized more that a few taste buds, and has proven to be a definite winner among those who fateful enough to try it.

There is plenty of evidence that the Acai Berry is nature's little wonder fruit, and no wonder so many people have already made it it the most popular fruit in the world. If you haven't already tried Acai Berry, then you are missing a small miracle.

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