Tuesday, August 11, 2009

10 Reasons Why You Must Try Acai Berry

By George Alarcon

Originating from the rainforests of South America, acai berries contain antioxidants, fatty acids, protein and fiber. Recent media coverage in the United States has increased the popularity of the small berries. Continue reading to discover the health benefits of the acai berry and find out why its being touted as the newest superfood.

1. Acai berries detoxify the body. Acai berries are said to contain more than twice as many antioxidants as blueberries and ten times as many as grapes. Antioxidants detoxify the body by fighting toxins and repairing damage done by free radicals.

2. Studies have shown that the Acai can fight off certain types of cancer and increase the body's resistance to other diseases because it naturally fights against free radicals.

3. Acai berries provide increased energy. As a source of protein, the berry increases energy.

4. Acai berries contribute to better sleep. The amino acids found in acai berries relax muscles and promote more restful sleep.

The Acai Berry also has a large amount of fiber, therfore it not only helps digestion, but also is very good for helping to detox the body.

6. It also contains high amounts of fiber, and provides the body with several vital minerals and vitamins.

7. Acai berries improve circulation. The antioxidant properties of the berry remove toxins, thus improving blood circulation.

A strengthened immune system is also an effect of the large amounts of vitamin C that the berry contains. Acai Berry has three times the amoount of vitamin C than a blueberry.

Another healthy reason is that the Acai berry helps improve memory loss and elevates the mood.

Last but certainly not least, the Acai Berry is down right delicious. It can be used in smoothies, shakes and juices. It's sweet but slightly tart taste has tantalized more that a few taste buds, and has proven to be a definite winner among those who fateful enough to try it.

The benefits of the Acai berry are not limited to what is on this list. Other benefits include improved vision, enhanced sexual function, and an improved sleep cycle. Acai can help promote a normal blood sugar level naturally for diabetics, and it can reduce the effects of menopause for aging women. It also fights against arthritis and relieves symptoms for those who are already suffering. The Acai berry is a miracle fruit that simply promotes the overall wellness of the body.

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