Monday, October 19, 2009

The 5 Things You Must Do To Get Skinny Quick

By Ryan M Hall

In order to get skinny quick, you absolutely must have a good plan. Most people go out and do some exercises or eat a couple of healthier meals and just hope that these little changes will make big changes in their waistline. This just isn't the way it works, so below are the 5 things you absolutely must do to get skinny quick.

#1 Set Goals

You have to set a goal to know where you're going. When you set a goal, you have to set a specific goal such as, "I want to weigh 165 lbs." Don't set a goal like "I want to lose weight," or "I want to lose 10 lbs." Instead, focus on how much you want to weigh and how you want to look.

#2 Eat a Healthy Diet

Get a proven diet plan. Reduce your calories first and make sure you follow some simple steps. Eat more green vegetables, they fill you up and are very low in calories. Get rid of all soda, drinking your calories is like drinking fat, there's no point in it. Avoid fast carbohydrates like those found in bread and potatoes. They may have been the staple of our parents or grandparents, but they aren't doing your waistline any good. Cut them out and you'll see a huge improvement.

#3 Exercise

Raise your hand if you want to run a treadmill for hours! Did you raise your hand? Neither did I, good thing it's not required to lose weight. Instead, go to the gym and do some resistance exercises that will build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. This isn't to say that you have to become the next Arnold, but building lean, toned muscle will have you looking fit and sexy and burning fat 24/7.

#4 Drink More Water

You need to keep your body hydrated, and make sure that your liver and kidneys are working properly. Keeping your body hydrated will allow it to release water stored in fat and will help your liver burn fat even faster. Plus, you will feel more full as you drink water before meal times.

#5 Enlist the Help of a Mentor

If you really want to make sure you succeed, you need to get a mentor or coach who will be there for you. Whether it is a face to face mentor, phone mentor or internet coach, this person will help you stay on track and stay motivated. These people can make a huge difference in how much you lose and how quickly you lose it. They can give you diet and exercise advice, and help to keep you on track when you feel like giving up. A coach or mentor is key to succeeding with weight loss.

These 5 steps to get skinny quick will help you lose as much weight as you want, whether it is 10 lbs or 100 lbs, these steps apply. Follow them and you can change your life. When you are ready to really see a difference in your waistline, get a good plan with a good mentor and you will be skinny in no time.

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