Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why Crash Dieting Does Not Work To Tone Arms-7 Reasons

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

We would all like to tone arms, and we would all like to do it fast. In this day and age, we expect lightning quick results.

You may think that crash dieting is an effective way to get toned arms ASAP. Unfortunately, the female body resists such extreme dieting and you could end up worse once you resume normal eating. So here are 7 reasons why crash dieting does not work to tone arms:

1. Malnutrition. Many women who eat an EXCESS of calories are malnourished because their food lacks nutrient density. Put yourself in a massive deficit of calories and your risk for malnourishment is even higher.

2. Decreased bone density. Because of fluctuating levels of estrogen (among many other things) women have to be especially vigilant of their bone density. Hence the popularity of the calcium supplement viactiv. Restrict calories too much and your bones can become less dense.

3. Decreased strength. A loss in strength and muscle translates in a decrease in metabolism which translates into less calories burned even while you sleep. Not a good situation.

4. Decreased secretion of arm-fat-burning hormones. Hormones are the most powerful substances in your body. If they are not working for you, you're missing out big time. Decrease calories by more than 20% and expect a suppressed hormonal output.

5. Suppressed immune system. Go on an extreme crash diet to tone arms quickly and expect a higher frequency of colds and fevers. Trust me, I've been there and done that. The female body needs a bare minimum of nutritious calories to fight of disease.

6. A loss of period. Cut calories too much, and it's very likely that you'll lose your period. Without enough food coming in, the body shuts down the reproductive organs.

7. Risk of depression. Your body and mind needs calories and carbs to make serotonin, the main feel-good hormone. Study after study have shown that restrictive diets increase the frequency of depression. Simply cut out all carbs for one day and see how cranky you'll get!

Going on an extreme diet to tone arms is simply not worth it. Not only will you be at risk for a whole host of issues, but you will also rebound once you get off of said diet. And who wants to go through the pain of excessive caloric restriction only to gain everything back? Don't go around in circles and follow a prudent way of eating that focuses on balance.

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