Thursday, July 30, 2009

Preserve Your Body and Mind with Resveratrol

By Jane Soreau

Oprah Winfrey is known for providing her viewers with expertly researched advice concerning the latest advancements in medical advancements, particularly as they relate to the concerns of an aging American population. Recently, Oprah featured the Turkish-American cardiologist Dr. Mehmet Oz. According to Dr. Oz, the recently discovered antioxidant known as resveratrol may be the key to slowing or even-in some cases-reversing the aging process.

Fight Toxins, Fight Aging

Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that protect the body from oxidants-toxins that damage the tissues of the body, causing the visually evident wrinkles on the skin, as well as the less obvious damage to the body's internal systems. Antioxidants help to defend the body, particularly its organs, brain cells, and the nervous system. Moreover, they help to remove the oxidants and even repair damage caused by the aging process.

What is Resveratrol?

Among antioxidants, resveratrol is one of the (if not the most) powerful found by our scientists and doctors. As a catalyst, resveratrol sends out a kind of "call to action" to one of the protectors of our immune systems: "Sirtuins." Sirtuins are durable genes that assist in stopping cellular decay, allowing other cells to rejuvenate themselves. An aging individual who ingests resveratrol regularly-in large enough doses of course-will therefore notice that he or she has more energy, reduced fatigue, and a healthier appearance, complete with softened wrinkles and lines.

There are in fact numerous blessings derived from regularly imbibing resveratrol. This amazing antioxidant is capable of preserving the body's immune system and even aids in the struggle against cancer. If your body is subject to radiation it will help to prevent radiation sickness. In addition, it is extremely beneficial to those of us who need to shed a few pounds.

Observing this, the drug conglomerate GlaxoSmithKline has put forth nearly one billion dollars in an effort to further our understanding of resveratrol, as the possibilities appear to be endless. Truly, we have just begun to comprehend all the benefits that resveratrol has in store for us in the battle against aging.

A Natural Solution

Chances are you have already consumed resveratrol at some point in your life, though you probably weren't aware of it! Utilized for ages in the East as a restorative cure found in Japanese Knotwood, resveratrol was given the name "ko-jo-kon" in 1963. Japanese Knotwood is not, however, as exotic as you might imagine. In more than thirteen states it has been designated as a hostile and overwhelming weed, with the capacity to overrun your backyard in no time. The power of this plant is generated by-you guessed it-the large amounts of resveratrol contained within it. Knotwood has so much resveratrol that companies have begun using it to create dietary supplements, although some people simply cultivate it and cook with it: Knotwood is a tasty replacement for rhubarb.

Peanuts, believe it or not, are an important resource for resveratrol. Think about that the next time you're at a bar, and snack away! Indeed, long-believed to be a danger due to its high fat content, the peanut has been redeemed through studies which exhibit that people who eat peanuts daily are healthier than those who do not. Eating fatty peanuts actually reduces the amount of fat in your body, and it does so by means of nothing other than resveratrol.

In 1992, resveratrol was discovered in both grapevines and the red wine produced by them. While the health effects derived from drinking a glass of red wine are becoming common knowledge, think about this: it takes somewhere around one thousand bottles of red wine to equal the amount of resveratrol found in a single day's dose of a resveratrol supplement!

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