Tuesday, July 14, 2009

6 Week Body Makeover Restaurant Guide

By Kourtney Kidd

When dieting, many people have a hard time sticking to their diets when eating out. This is simply due to inadequate knowledge of restaurant foods. The 6 Week Body Makeover has a Restaurant Companion Guide which helps relieve some of the stress of choosing what to eat when going out to eat.

If you use the 6 Week Body Makeover Restaurant Companion, you can take control of what you eat in restaurants and stop stressing about whether or not the food that you ordered is healthy. The guide was made specifically for the Michael Thurmond diet and focuses on choosing the right foods for your body types.

The book comes with over 100 popular restaurants and all you have to do is simply flip to the page of the restaurant that you're at and the book shows you which foods you should order. Also, if the restaurant that you're at is not listed, the book comes with a general guide so that you can eat at Mexican, Japanese and Italian places.

For example, say you went to Denny's (which is notorious for high calories meals). If you had your restaurant guide you could simply flip to the "Denny's" section and determine which foods you should eat. Here is an example of what you could eat off of the breakfast menu from Denny's; Fit Fare Veggie Omelet (substitute bread for veggies), Oatmeal, Egg Beaters or the Fruit Medley.

Stop struggling with your restaurant choices. You and your diet do not have to suffer. Just make sure to use some sort of guidance to ensure that what you eat will benefit your body.

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