Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Acai Berry and Weight Loss: What You Need to Know

By Travis Van Slooten

There have been many companies recently linking their acai berry and weight loss. While many relationships between acai berry and their claims are founded on basic truths, calling the acai berry a weight loss drug is just an attempt to capitalize on Americans looking to shed pounds. There are many companies now claiming the acai berry will immediately burn the fat away or work as a cure to all your woes. Before you dive into the acai berry supplement markets, there are a few things you need to know.

Are Acai Berries a Weight Loss Product?

So here's the honest answer to this frequently asked acai question: by itself, the acai berry does not act as a weight loss product. Those manufacturers who sell acai supplements mainly as a tool for weight loss are stretching the truth a little too far. In no study has it ever been reported that acai berries can effectively shed off the excess pounds just like that. If you're taking acai supplements in hopes of this happening, you may be in for a big disappointment. For those who are still looking around, stay clear of companies who blatantly advertise this.

So What Does Acai Actually Do?

The good news is, the supposed acai berry and weight loss connection is not without basis. The acai berry does have a lot of amazing nutrients that will greatly benefit anybody looking to lose some weight. Acai has the highest level of antioxidants among all fruits, and contains a lot of fiber and healthy, unsaturated fats as well. If you maintain a regular exercise routine, these can help boost your energy level and lets you function efficiently without needing to eat more. Acai can still have a great effect on your weight loss efforts but only when coupled with the right diet and proper exercise.

Using Acai Berries the Proper Way

Acai berries have many healthy benefits that cannot be denied. Coupled with proper diet and exercise, acai berry supplements could certainly help you become healthier and feel better. But if you are taking acai berries and hoping for the pounds to melt away, you're just wasting your money. Acai berries should be taken for what they are, a supplement. They are intended to act as a support for an already healthy lifestyle.

When you take acai berries, you are essentially boosting your body's ability to function at a higher level. With proper diet and exercise, acai berries are a turbocharger, making what you are already doing even more efficient and powerful. They can help to take your workouts or healthy diet to the next level, but they will not function on their own. You should not consider the acai berry as a standalone product. The link between acai berry and weight loss is one of partnership and works very well if used that way.

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