Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Older Stretch Marks - What Is The Best Method For Treatment?

By Meghan D. Ernest

Stretch marks aren't harmful, but they can be embarrassing and a pain to deal with. Most women will get them at least once in their lives, and stretch marks can be caused by a lot of things- like gaining weight suddenly, getting pregnant, or not having enough moisture in your skin and the air around you.

Why do stretch marks happen? They happen because the uppermost layer of the skin gets stretched, making tears that are too small to be seen. As these heal, the skin is left wrinkly and sometimes discolored. Most of the time, stretch marks fade as time goes by, but sometimes they remain no matter what you do. Some have no other option but to get corrective surgery for stretch marks, and while they can't always be prevented, maintaining a healthy weight and taking care of your skin will definitely help.

The other reasons that someone may get stretch marks are: extremely dry skin, continued cycles of weight gain and loss, and malnutrition. All of these things can make the collagen and elastin in your skin deteriorate, and your skin will be less resilient- leading to stretch marks. Read a little further for some good tips on treating and minimizing stretch marks.

If you work out consistently, your body (especially your skin) will benefit. Regular exercise increases overall circulation, keeping skin toned and refreshed. A good, sweat-inducing workout will remove impurities from your pores, and make your skin renew itself naturally.

Also, a good workout will balance your hormone levels, and make you less stressed. We all know that out-of-whack hormones and stress can wreak havoc with our skin, but that can be fixed through regular exercise.

Make sure you use a good moisturizer, preferably one that contains vitamin E. It can not only prevent stretch marks from forming, but it can also treat ones that are already there. Choose a moisturizer that is rich in cocoa or shea butter, and apply it twice a day, every day. It's good to apply it right after a bath or shower, because that seals the moisture into your skin.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Your metabolism will stay high and your skin will be healthier. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. They will improve the condition of your skin and stimulate cell turnover, building stronger skin and reducing your chances of getting stretch marks.

Laser treatments work well for facial rejuvenation, but they can also be used on other parts of the body. Non-ablative lasers, like Fraxel, will remove the top layer of skin, which is where stretch marks appear. A fresh and new layer will develop within a few weeks, smoothing out your marks and leaving behind more youthful skin.

Some use laser treatments as a last resort. You probably think that they can only be used on the face, but they are great all over. The non-ablative laser Fraxel removes the top layer of skin, which is where stretch marks happen. After a few weeks, you will see new, fresh, mark-free skin emerge.

If you'd rather go the all natural route, there are many herbal remedies that are proven to make skin more smooth and resilient. Products with ingredients like vitamin E, vitamin A, aloe, and olive oil work best when they are applied to the stretch marks. All of these things will deeply moisturize your skin, making it more resilient and elastic.

Home remedies, while not as quick acting as a surgical procedure, can and do provide results. Things like oatmeal and egg whites will over time make stretch marks less noticeable, and new skin will grow in. With these slower-working remedies, you must be consistent to see results.

Stretch marks are something that most of us will have to deal with at some point. While there's no way to ensure that you won't get them, most people can minimize their chances by eating a balanced diet, working out regularly, and taking good care of their skin. It is possible to treat stretch marks, so don't worry and don't give up!

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