Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blood Pressure Medications Are they the Causing of Your High Blood Pressure?

By Dr. Robert Simmons

One of the most popular and widely used medications are those used for high blood pressure. In America we have an obesity crisis. About two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Practicing chiropractic in Charlotte, NC I have noticed that most families are living on a fast food diet. The calories consumed from fat and sugar is climbing at an alarming rate.

America has now become an over-medicated society. It is hard to believe that we have access to the best healthcare in the world, but are one of the sickest nations. Hardening of the arteries (Atherosclerosis) is common in our society. High blood pressure and diabetes continue to rise. Blood pressure and cholesterol medications have become all too common in usage. Poor diet has the endocrine glands such as adrenals and thyroid becoming more dysfunctional.

Use of medications is causing further deterioration of the body. The side effects of many medications can cause damage to other parts of the body. Drugs used to lower blood pressure can actually cause more damage in the long run. This is because they only mask the actual problem. Chiropractors are now seeing patients who wish to reduce and eliminate taking medications.

People are under the assumption that the blood pressure medication they are taking, makes high blood pressure go away. No, they still have it, but it is not showing due to the medications. The high blood pressure numbers are lowered by the drugs, they aren't meant to treat the cause. The medication brings the numbers to an acceptable level. In our Chiropractic clinic, we like to find the cause of the patient's ailments.

The cause of the high blood pressure is still continuing and not being treated. The damage can go on for years, without treatment, if the patient doesn't seek of the original cause of the disease. Most times a lifestyle change can be made to lower the blood pressure without medication.

There needs to be changes in life habits. This means consuming more high cost foods. This refers to foods that require more time to prepare. The price paid for convenience is lower quality of food. Fat calories are largely contained in meat and artificial products. If the ingredient list is a large number of chemicals then that is what you are eating. You should consume food that is as close to organic as possible.

To reduce the fat and sugar calorie intake, fast food should be avoided. Fat is the substance that leads to your arteries narrowing. This is one of the major contributors of high blood pressure. Chiropractors and other doctors are now consulting with their patients about their diets.

Sugar is an inflammatory substance. It has the effect of scraping the arteries and causing inflammation throughout the body. Sugar actually stresses the adrenal glands which increases the stress on the body. Reduction in fat and sugar can reduce the need for blood pressure and cholesterol medication.

If you'd ask, most people don't want to be on medications for the rest of their lives. If you are one of those people have your doctor monitor your lifestyle change. You can seek out holistic health care from a Chiropractor to obtain a nutrition program best suited for you. An important procedure for patients is the reduction of medication under the proper supervision. If you are making the proper changes then you won't know without reduction of medication. By living a healthier and happier lifestyle, most of our patients are actually able to reduce or eliminate the use of medications.

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