Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat Without Radical Dieting Revealed By Bucks County Trainers

By Jose Loni

The question that everyone wants to know is how to lose belly fat through exercise. The numerous ads showing diets, ab exercises and machines all claim to help you lose belly fat. An exercise system of interval training, a healthy diet, and decreasing stress is the most effective way to having a flat stomach.

Interval set training is a fast way to achieving results and increasing the metabolism. The fast sets, with intense exertion results in a situation where the muscles have little or no oxygen and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. These waste products would need to be removed to allow the muscles to function better.

The increased metabolic activity in the muscles consumes more energy and results in the body having to burn more calories both from the food we eat and the excess body fat that is stored in our body. The muscles end up clearing, replenishing and repairing the muscles for a longer period of time even up to several hours after the physical activity has ended.

Eating healthy is another way we can get rid or our stomach fat. Eating a diet balanced in carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins will help us consume and burn calories better. Avoiding fast fatty foods, sugary snacks and carbonated beverages will help us better manage our caloric intake and keep from consuming excess calories, which ends up being stored as fat.

Increasing our meals to 5-6 times per day, will allow us to maintain our energy levels throughout the day and keep our blood sugar stable. It is a good way to optimize our workouts to burn excess body fat.

Stress plays an important role in how our body stores fat. When our body experiences stress, it releases a hormone called Cortisol, which begins to store fat in our belly. The fat is stored in the belly to be used in case of emergency.

Stress management techniques such as tai chi, meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are all effective ways to reduce stress and keep away body fat storage.

Radical dieting will just shock our system and make us feel discouraged. The best way to lose belly fat is to have a balance of interval training exercise, diet and stress management, when we commit to making these changes, we will be able to get flat abs.

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