Saturday, June 6, 2009

Food Choices Determine Your Overall Health

By Spencer Gabato

A person concerned with health should choose to eat foods that have high health values. The food gives as the necessary substances for our body to operate optimally including our brain. To learn the what foods have higher health values can help us choose the food that can give us the needed nutrients.

Different foods have different health values and within food groups, some have more health value than others. Below, you can find the healthiest food choices. Eating them on a regular basis can bring you good health and hence a happier life.

Vegetables are packed with lots of vitamins and minerals. Dark colored ones have more antioxidant content than lighter ones. Worthy of note are kale, celery, asparagus, green beans, peas, and spinach. Even though lighter colored vegetables have less antioxidants, they are still packed with health promoting nutrients. Other vegetables worthy of mentioning are eggplant, carrots, potatoes, mushrooms,squash and yams.

Darker colored fruits are high in antioxidants just like vegetables are. Notable ones are apples, bananas, oranges, pears, fig, raspberries, plums, lemons, grapes and watermelon. Among the berries, acai berry have the highest antioxidant content and is also packed with nutrients that is why it is classified as a superfood.

For meat, choose the ones that are low in cholesterol and fat such as chicken breast, lamb, turkey, venison, and lean beef. Good seafood choices are scallop, cod, tuna and shrimp. Among the dairy food groups - egg, low fat cheese and yogurt are the best.

Nuts and grains are very important to include in your diet. The extra protein and carbohydrates found in these foods are needed by your body. Almonds, flaxseeds, extra virgin oil, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds are good choices. They are flavorful too so you can enjoy eating and have needed nutrients at the same time. Good choices for grain products include buckwheat, bread, barley, whole wheat, corn, oats and rye. Refrain from having white bread because they are nutritionally inferior to brown ones.

Sugar can give negative effects to your body but alas many food contain this substance as to sweeten the flavor. You have an option though to choose foods which are naturally sweetened with honey, maple syrup and molasses. The food will still taste delicious and won't give harmful effects to your body.

You can make food more flavorful by adding spices. Instead of sweetening food with sugar, try combining it with dill, basil, pepper, peppermint, cilantro, black pepper, oregano, rosemary, thyme and sage.

For your hydration, water is the best. Stay away from soda as they contain sugar and mostly have caffeine. Green tea is a good substitute for soda as it contain lots of antioxidants and make you more focused while being in a calm state.

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