Sunday, June 14, 2009

How To Become Taller - 10 Ways How To Become Taller Fast

By Shaun Davids

Are you trying to figure out how to become taller, without having to rely on those useless height pills? If you are willing to work hard towards it, it will be easier than you think. Stop asking yourself, "How can I grow taller?" and follow these 10 ways now.

1. Stretch:

The first thing that you should do in the morning is to exercise, but before you do those hard-core exercises, you may want to do some stretching first. You can do this while you are still lying down on the bed, to waken up your senses. Stretch your arms as if you were pulling it up, and then stretch your legs downward, as if you were pulling it down. Doing this every morning before you wake up would help in your quest on how to become taller.

2. Breathing exercises:

It is good to work on your breathing when you wake up. What you should do is take in a slow, deep breath through your nose, and then let it out slowly through your mouth. Do this about 5 times to get oxygen circulating through your blood.

3. Get Some Sun:

An important way how to become taller is to get enough sunshine. This helps our bodies produce vitamin D - which helps us grow. So, in the morning, stand outside for a bit and absorb some of the weak sunlight.

4. Take A Stroll:

Now that you are fully awake, stretched and revitalized, you can do some exercise. Start off by going for a gentle stroll around the neighborhood. This is a great exercise that can be done at any time in the day.

5. Stimulate your growth hormones:

After your walk, you should finish by rubbing and massaging some of your body's pressure points to help release height growth hormones. This type of massage is considered both an exercise and a way to relax tired muscles as you learn how to become taller.

6. Improve Posture:

You should always try to sit or stand up as upright as possible. By pulling in your abdomen and puffing your chest out, you will strengthen your core muscles. And to maintain your posture, try keep your chin upright too - look straight ahead, and push your entire head back inline with your spine. This is a great way how to look taller too.

7. Rest:

Whenever you feel exhausted after a workout, you should try have some rest. To become taller your body needs to restock its energy levels. So after exercise, have a short naps for about 30 minutes, before getting on with your day.

8. Straighten your spine:

When you are about to sleep at night, you should always remember to keep your back flat on the bed to straighten out your spine.

9. Have plenty water:

It is important to keep your body hydrated, especially after exercise, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.

10. Avoid Bad Habits:

Finally, now is a good time to quit any bad habits, such as smoking and drinking. These habits release toxins in your body and can stunt your growth, so stay away from them if you want to know how to become taller.

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