Monday, September 21, 2009

Supplementation for Physical Fitness: What's Healthy, Really Works and What to Avoid

By Levi Herbert

There are literally thousands of supplements and marketing ploys saturating the physical fitness industry. The trick is knowing which ones are actually beneficial and which ones are spouting false claims. Supplements can be highly beneficial to general health, muscle recovery and injury prevention if used properly and responsibly. Here are just a few of the supplements I recommend to my customers and continually endorse to those looking for the benefits they bring.

Daily Multivitamin

Daily intake of a multivitamin is not only beneficial to everyone, but should be taken by anyone engaging in a regular fitness routine. Engaging in heavy exercise results in the body loosing vital minerals and vitamins throughout the day. This leads to lengthy recovery time after the workout as well as the body becoming unable to remove foreign toxins. Implementing a multivitamin replaces these lost nutrients allowing your muscles to recover quickly and enabling your immune system to fight off infections.

Using Protein Powder

It is unfortunate that many people discourage the use of protein powder as they claim it resembles steroids and other chemical enhancements. This claim could not be further from the truth. A protein powder supplement can be highly beneficial before a workout as it promotes quality calorie intake as well as a reduction in fat accumulation.

In truth, protein powder is nothing more than dehydrated or powdered chicken. The reason for this is simply to supplement when time is not available for a full meal. However, they must be used in conjunction with a proper diet. If done so, recovery rate is increased, immune system is boosted and greater results are seen.

Implementing Creatine

Clouted in controversy, creatine remains the most commonly misunderstood OTC supplement to date. With claims ranging from testicular atrophy, to rage, and further to liver and kidney failure, false representations appear to follow the name alone more than any other available supplement. Interestingly enough, creatine still remains the most researched, studied, and developed sports supplement ever isolated.

It is time to ignore what you have heard and read. Despite a slight water retention effect, there are no other documented side effects related to short or long term use. In addition, creatine is made up of solely natural ingredients. There are many noticeable benefits of creatine including a decrease in lactic acid or the "burn" you feel during weight lifting as well as an immense decrease in recovery time.

The daily recommended intake for Creatine Monohydrate is 5 grams. This supplement is available at any grocery or nutrition store. To gain greater absorption into the muscles combine with supplement with a glass of grape juice or other sugar based fruit juice.

Supplements provide many benefits when used properly. When used in conjunction with a proper diet, your fitness goals can become much more obtainable. There are several other supplements that provide different benefits, however the three listed are the best to begin with before considering additional ones.

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