Friday, September 18, 2009

Antioxidant Drinks - Upgrade to a Healthier Cup of Joe

By Kathryn Barry

Antioxidant Drinks include coffee which most Americans seem to crave as soon as the sun starts to shine. It may be one of the most popular drinks in the world by now. Its stimulating effects seem to get people motivated to start their day.

Unfortunately, coffee does come with quite a lot of drawbacks. Caffeine is one of the main problems because of its over-stimulating effects on your nervous system and then of course there are digestive system issues because of the acidity that comes with that morning cup of coffee.

Coffee does have a good side and that would be that it contains antioxidants.

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants come in many forms and help to prevent damage to your cells. Antioxidants such as vitamins, flavonoids and enzymes help to prevent cell oxidation and protect your cells.

Antioxidants are a great way to stop the harmful effects of free radicals.

When we expose ourselves to toxic chemicals, radiation, pesticides, and drugs such as alcohol and caffeine, free radicals will be created in our bodies.

The donation of an electron by an antioxidant prevents the free radicals from damaging your cells by converting it into a harmless molecule. This donation stops oxidative damage that is responsible for aging your body.

Antioxidant Drinks Joins with a Medicinal Mushroom

A new coffee called "Healthy Coffee" has emerged on the scene and this coffee comes with one of the most powerful herbs in the world - The Reishi Mushroom.

Another name for the Reishi mushroom is Ganoderma Lucidum. The healing effects of this mushroom have been recorded for over 2000 years and was used in Ancient Chinese Medicine.

The Chinese name for this mushroom is Ling Zhi and it means "Herb of Spiritual Potency" and has also been described as the "Mushroom of Immortality".

It is known for fixing such health disorders as heart problems, diabetes, and digestive distress. These are only a few of the ailments that can be helped with the hundreds of nutrients and wealth of antioxidants found in reishi.

Your body will be able to detoxify more of its toxins with the aid of this medicinal mushroom. This will help your immune system to grow stronger.

Healthy Coffee versus Your Everyday Coffee

Since drinking regular coffee seems to upset your body's ability to digest your meals, the triterpenoids found in Healthy Coffee could be very beneficial to your digestion.

Contains alkaloids to help with your acid/alkaline balance. These alkaloids help to control the amount of acidity that regular coffee produces.

The adaptogens in healthy coffee help to reduce the stimulating effects of caffeine, as regular coffee will exhaust your adrenal system.

My Very Own Experience

I don't know why I let myself run out of Healthy Coffee, but I do and then I have to drink the regular stuff. Boy, do I notice the side effects and have to pay the price of extreme agitation and acidity.

It can be the world's best coffee and still Major Problems!

Honestly, when I first started drinking this coffee - I thought the caffeine had been removed. It gave me a more sustainable energy lift and not so much an aggravating buzz.

The reishi mushroom seems to contain a property that helps my brain to be more at peace. In fact, I sometimes drink this coffee late in the evening and I don't really have trouble falling asleep.

Healthy Coffee is one of the most powerful antioxidant drinks and really does help with the acidity problem. It doesn't seem to upset my digestion like drinking regular coffee surely will.

It's also one of the smoothest tasting coffees and you won't have that lingering coffee bad breath or bad taste left in your mouth.

Have your coffee and drink it too. This coffee gives you the coffee experience without so much the coffee problems. It is worth giving it a try.

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