Thursday, September 24, 2009

Children Complaining About Back Pain at Earlier Ages

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

Back pain in adults is common. After all, they work in jobs that have them sitting down for long periods of time or working with their back muscles day in and day out. However, back pain is no longer just an adult problem; parents are noting that their young children are complaining of back pain as well. This rise can be attributed to a number of reasons. For instance, present-day children lead more sedentary lives (playing games and watching television); their parents, on the other hand, didn't have all the gadgetry to buy and play when they were young and didn't have to worry with this issue as young kids.

Sleeping Habits - Children need plenty of rest every night, about eight to 10 hours to be exact. This rest time is sufficient enough for the body and all its systems to reenergize. How children and adults sleep is also important since laying on the belly can put too much stress on the body's lower back and neck. The two best sleeping positions include sleeping on the side or the back.

Second, children must use backpacks to carry all their school supplies and books. As parents know, these bags can get very heavy because schoolteachers hand out subject books for children to use at home and in class. Many schools have eliminated the extra time between classes for safety reasons, thus not allowing students the time to visit their lockers to get and put away books.

There is, however, a solution to this problem and this is getting downloadable versions of the books. Many schools have opted to go this route. However, if a child's school is still using regular books (most are), the child will need to use both straps of the bag; they'll need to make sure the bag is resting high and that it's tight against the body, as this will help to reduce the amount of strain placed on the back. A child's backpack should never weigh more than 10 percent of their weight.

While shoulder and waist strap backpacks are the best things available, kids may not want to apply both of them correctly. Parents have the option to purchase roller bags to take the strain off the back. However, children need to be advised to switch arms often to keep the chest muscles from being overstretched.

Video games and computers are a frequent cause of low back pain in kids. Most video games are played while sitting on the floor with no back support. This position is held for very long periods of time in many cases. Parents need to limit the amount of time spent playing video games as well as computer use.

Fourth, children who play sports are at very high risk for developing back pain. Parents don't often think about sports being a problem since so many kids are involved in it; however, sports like basketball, football and soccer has a lot of physical contact and injuries are not uncommon. While kids are tough and pain tends to go away quickly, the damage that's been caused by the injury has already been done. Whenever a sports injury occurs, parents should immediately seek medical assistance.

Physicians may suggest a postural exam be done to make sure there are no problems. However, if an anomaly is found, doctors can take measures to correct the issue. Above anything else, prevention is the best treatment available and for children, this is necessary to avoiding lifelong back pain down the road.

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