Monday, May 4, 2009

14 Fitness Bootcamp Success Tips

By Curtis Ludlow

In most fitness boot camps, almost everyone starts with an initial goal of weight loss, many of these people verbally agree to change their habits, commit to the program, and begin a supportive eating plan.

Despite lots of proof from successful people that the program works;

Despite the fact that bootcamp is a challenging and fun program;

And despite the fact that most bootcamps offer a supportive culture, there are some who don't change their habits.

Why? There are many excuses for not changing:

1. I do not have time. 2. I feel great, why change? 3. I have other priorities now. 4. I know I need to change my lifestyle but I am not ready yet. 5. I do not feel comfortable doing the program. 6. I do not want to look stupid trying to figure out the exercises.

These psychological roadblocks can be overcome with determination and support from family and friends. Many boot campers start a diet and/or exercise program only to find themselves back at square one after just a few months. Why do some people who are informed about the body changing benefits of starting a boot camp and a nutrition plan often fail?

Failing to Plan = Planning to Fail.

Many initiate an exercise program at too high an intensity and then succumb to an injury, which derails their entire program. Others set unreasonable goals and expectations, such as losing 20|twenty or more pounds per week, or getting in shape in 2 weeks. Still others may not consider obstacles in their life-styles, which prevent successful adoption and maintenance of an active way of life.

For instance, do you overlook time and place opportunities for workingout?

Are you a self-starter or do you need a friend or personal trainer to provide companionship and accountability?

The guidelines listed below may help you in picking, planning and implementing your boot camp program:

1. Write down reasons why YOU want to participate in a boot camp program.

2. Find a bootcamp you like.

3. Choose a boot camp that is within driving distance (less than a 15 minute drive in rush hour traffic).

4. Make sure the boot camp is taught by a certified personal trainer. The top training certifications are NASM, NSCA, ACSM, and ACE.

5. If you are a beginner, start slow.

6. Fitness boot camp is a fun program so set realistic goals. Set a goal of attending camp everyday. That's it. No performance measures. Just set the goal of showing up every single day. I remember a boot camper, Jennifer, who had just returned after missing 1-year because of pregnancy. She told me her goal was to run faster than the most athletic woman in the entire camp, Monica, someone who had been attending camp multiple times per day for more than two years. She tried to pass her on EVERY run despite my warnings to her. She nearly killed herself trying to keep up. But most important, she couldn't maintain that pace everyday after such a long layoff. She injured herself. Learn from her mistakes.

7. Set realistic deadlines on your goals.

8. If you miss a few days, just pick it up again. Do not use a lapse as an excuse to quit or allow other demands of life to distract you.

9. Keep daily diet/exercise records.

10. Workout with a buddy.

11. Do not use weather as an excuse.

12. Give yourself a "cheat day".

13. Check with your physician before starting a bootcamp program.

14. Be more active ALL day long!

Finally, ask yourself, "how can I achieve my goals and enjoy the process?"

Then Just Do It!

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