Sunday, May 17, 2009

Benefits of using resveratrol.

By Collin De Ruyck

Resveratrol is a well known chemical found in the skin of the red grapes that are supposed to have a few immensely benefiting advantages. Currently these have shown the features of anti-cancer and also can lower the blood pressure. However, all these tastes have proved to be right in mice and rats and in some other organisms. The Resveratrol is still to be proved on humans and there is still a speck of doubt if the element would have the similar kind of effects on mankind. Like every medical element the Resveratrol should also be taken in a certain dosage. In reply to many media reports about the element Resveratrol it only looks like each and every supplement company offers one or the other form of grape complex so as to make a quick buck. The supplement as released by these companies all claim to contain a certain percentage of Resveratrol and thus this justifies the popularity of the same.

What's surprising about Resveratrol is that its overall content is proportionately more in processed items such as red wine in comparison to natural sources such as the grape plant, its fruits, stalks and vines. Laboratory tests indicate that the process of fermentation is the main reason for increased Resveratrol content in red wine. On that note, if you wish to include Resveratrol in your diet and derive associated benefits, you may have to give preference to red wine instead of grape juice. However, you can also go for Resveratrol food supplements that pack in other vitamins and minerals as well.

Most of the reputable Resveratrol food supplement brands use an "enteric coating" that protects Resveratrol molecules from stomach acids and allows for direct absorption through intestinal walls. Enteric coating is however a complex and costly process, something that increases retail price of Resveratrol food supplement brands. In that light, it is not difficult to assume that low-priced Resveratrol food supplements may not have the desired enteric coating. They may not be as effective as claimed by the manufacturer. If you wish to derive max health benefits, you should thus look out for Resveratrol food supplements that come with enteric coating. They may be pricey, but if you factor in the immense health benefits that they provide for, you will realize that it's only a small price to pay.

Another thing you need to be careful about is the dosage that you require. This is necessary because scientific studies indicate that when Resveratrol is taken in higher than recommended quantities, it can easily result in side effects such as numbness, loss of appetite, anxiety, stomach upsets, and increase in arthritic pain. How much dosage you require will depend specifically on health benefits you are targeting. If you plan to use Resveratrol food supplements for general well being, then a dose of 20-50 mg per day will be sufficient for your needs.

That is because for making white wine, grapes are fermented after taking out the skin whereas in case of red wine, the skin is included. Resveratrol occurs mostly in the outer skin and hence the difference in its content in red and white wine.

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