Sunday, May 31, 2009

Quick Abs - Langhorne Training On Choosing the Right Foods

By Jose Loni

Calories in and calories out for quick abs. Let's keep it simple, we need to watch what we eat, with regards to the quality of foods we eat as well as how much we eat and we have to exercise to burn more calories.

Choosing the right foods means choosing lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and fibrous foods. Choosing the right foods also means staying away from fatty, fried, fast foods and sugary snacks and pop. The latter are so calorie-laden that the body won't be able to use up all the calories taken in resulting in their conversion to fat, which are ultimately stored in the stomach area.

Healthy, quality foods are more compatible with our body. These foods are more easily converted to useful energy to fuel our activities. Because they're all used up, they won't be converted and stored as fat, usually in our stomach area.

Eating 5-6 small meals per day will help you maintain your energy throughout the day and keep your blood sugar from fluctuating too much. By eating smaller meals, we are better able to control the calories we take in and help our body to burn more fat.

When regular workouts are incorporated into our lives, the body will rev up its metabolism and start burning calories more efficiently everyday.

Add interval and weight training to the mix to push our body to its maximum capacity to work. The muscles now have to work harder which means it has to use up more energy to fix, restock and remove waste products they accumulated from the training. This effect can last awhile resulting in more calories expended.

One important aspect of watching calories is that we don't lower our calories too much. If the body senses the calories in is too low, it will go into starvation mode, which will store fat and lower the metabolism. So it is important to eat and do more caloric expenditure than you take in.

The combined efforts of daily workouts and choosing the right foods are essential to getting quick, nice-looking abs. When we choose the right foods and complement that with workouts, we are choosing the best way to getting quick abs.

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