Monday, May 18, 2009

The Benefits Of The Atkins Diet

By Shay Liffkinn

Nowadays there are many types of low-carb diets on the market. They are all based on the same principle of high protein and low carbohydrate eating. These principles were developed by Dr. Atkins and the most popular type of low-carb diet actually is Atkins diet.

Scientific surveys have shown the advantages of a low-carb nutrition. Their results show that the loss of weight is significant when eating low carb; and you don?t even have to reduce your calories. Many people eating high protein reported this experience as well. Furthermore such a diet improves triglycerides, reduces blood glucose for diabetics and pre-diabetics and increases good cholesterol (HDL). The studies mentioned before also showed that it improves insulin sensitivity, decrease blood pressure and lower blood insulin levels. Less muscle mass is lost during this form of diet than it is when eating low fat.

People who live after a low-carb diet also report of an increase in energy and concentration. The hunger for sweets is lessened and the overall constitution improved. The mood is better and depressions are rare.

However, some benefits are only reported by people living on Atkins principles. These people really enjoy eating those foods and meals which not allowed in a low-fat diet. They do not have to do without their favourite meals. Steak and butter, cream and cake is allowed again and not forbidden in Atkins diet. The dieters are very encouraged to eat rich meals with many calories and fat.

Another advantage is the simple usage of the Atkins diet. It is based on a simple list of so called carb counts you would have to learn and on an additional list of acceptable food you can choose from.

Anyone living on Atkins diet needs to find his or her personal carbohydrate level. Dr. Atkins states that people react in different ways and that everybody has its own level of carbohydrate tolerance. That is to say that some people gain weight when eating 90 grams of carbohydrate daily while others can eat 120 grams. In the phase of weight loss and in the pre-maintenance phase the personal carbohydrate count is detected. The personal level will help not to gain weight a life long.

Although Atkins diet is very popular there are also many people who object to this form of living. The huge amount of information available online and in books makes it available to everyone, so that everyone can form a view on it. There are also many misconceptions about, so be prepared for defending yourself and your new diet!

Once you have decided to live on Atkins diet you need to show some endurance during the first weeks. It can be very tiring to count carbohydrates in everything you eat. Induction, an aspect of the diet which is hotly debated, can also be hard to get through. After years of eating carbs and sugar the dietary change may have some unpleasant side effects. You need endurance if you do not want to give up.

In the first week of the diet some people also experience the so called carb crash. The body reacts to the unusual food: Ketosis occurs when the organism is running in fat instead of carbs. This reaction does not last long but many people cannot face it and give up.

Yet the benefits prevail and there is a reason why Atkins diet is so popular: it works and many people have finally lost weight and have improved their way of living.

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