Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bucks County Personal Trainer On Quick Abs - What You Eat and What You Do

By Jose Loni

The way to getting quick abs is through a balanced combination of food and workouts. Instead of fad diets and the latest exercise wonder equipment, the food choices we make and the type of workout we do will result in great-looking abs.

What you eat and what you do determine how quick you get your abs. When you eat a balanced diet and maintain daily physical activity to speed up your metabolism, your body will quickly melt away body fat and reveal great-looking abs.

The food we choose to consume contributes to the quality of fuel our body burns. Eating lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and fibrous foods allow our body to burn energy more efficiently, whereas, sugary, fatty foods overload our systems. As a result, not all the calories are burnt off and now remain in our body as fat.

Eating several meals throughout the day will allow us to control our calories and help keep our energy level even throughout the day. In addition, we allow our body to burn the calories we eat and when the body needs more energy, it will burn the excess body fat.

Regular exercise is a great way to kick-start the body's metabolism. By scheduling regular exercise sessions, the body will be made to burn more calories during the exercise session as well as help make the body more efficient at burning fat.

Workouts that involve almost the whole body like lunges, pushups, squats and chin ups are the best ones to do because they use up more energy when executed properly as compared to just doing leg lifts or bicep curls.

Exercising with greater intensity with weights and interval training forces the body to really exert and function with lower oxygen present in the muscles. When this occurs, the body is forced to replenish the muscles with oxygen after the activity. It continues to repair and remove waste from the muscles, even after the activity is done. As a result, the body ends up burning fat all day and night.

Therefore, a balance of healthy food choices and smart workouts really do combine to the loss of body fat resulting in getting quick, great-looking abs.

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