Friday, November 6, 2009

Looking For The Best Way To Lose Fat?

By Thong M. Dao

I have been asked many times what is the best way to lose fat and I will usually respond with a generic answer: the best way to lose fat is to create a caloric deficit by combining a reduction of calorie intake with an increase of the calories burnt. This usually results in several annoyed looks because most people hope to hear some magical cure for excessive fat deposits.

Part of the reason for this is that the average person is constantly bombarded with advertisements for fad diets and promises that you can "lose weight eating whatever you want." Honestly, these lame diet ads have done little more than undermine people's confidence in legitimate weight loss programs. So, to set the record straight, I am going to point out some practical advice on the best way to lose fat.

First and foremost you have to clean up your diet. Everything that will pack on the unwanted pounds must be thrown out the window. They are all loaded with tons of empty calories that don't do anything but make you fat. If you can accomplish this, it will definitely be the best way to lose fat.

Drinking tons of calories doesn't help either. So the next time you pick up that 12oz. can of Coke, remember you're taking in useless calories. What's bad about them is they don't make you feel full, which means you eat more, and in turn ingest more calories. So stick with the aqua and all the healthier choices out there.

Of course, I would have to recommend cardio exercise as a reliable means of burning off unnecessary fat. Cardio exercise can be as low in intensity or as high in intensity as you wish. Ultimately, the key here is to exercise as much as possible (within reason, of course) to get the heart rate up. This will, in turn, burn off stored fat.

Now, I realize that some may not like the idea of performing certain cardio programs even though cardio might be the best way to lose fat. Here is some advice to those looking for a good cardio program: shop around. That is, look at all the different cardio exercises and select one that appeals to you the most. The more enthusiasm you have for a particular workout, the greater your odds of success will be.

The next thing that you have to realize is that you need to build lean muscle so working out with weights is also important. Lean muscle burns fat, so having not only a cardio program but setting up a weight lifting program is essential as well. Working out whether it's by running or lifting will boost your metabolism which will help you burn stored fat. Either way you lift, with heavier weights or lighter weights and more reps will help you burn calorie.

And, finally, I have to say consistency is among the most important components to losing weight. You need to make diet and exercise a consistent part of your lifestyle, this will ensure you keep your weight down without any yo-yo effect. Yes, believe it or not, the best way to lose fat is to make healthy living your new lifestyle.

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