Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Briefing on Low-Fat Diet

By Jesse Regan

Choosing an option on how to lose weight can never be difficult with the number of choices there is. If you want to shed weight, you can do that by enrolling at a gym and do workouts regularly. However, if that would take too much of your precious time or you are just too lazy to follow your routine, that would just fail. You can also take diet pills. You just have to seek your doctors advice first to make sure what type is good for you. Alternatively, you can try going into a low-fat diet, which actually costs you nothing but just a little self-restraint.

Dieting should not scare you since it does not mean that you have to take only one or two meals a day. You should not starve at all. It has been proven that people who actually forego a meal only doubled their intake by the next time they allow themselves to eat. Hence, this should assure you that you would not get hungry when you go on a diet. Instead, this only puts on some limitations on the types of food that you can eat.

A low-fat diet is an often-suggested method. It allows someone to eat the normal number of meals in a day while it restrains him from taking in those that are declared as unhealthy. In general, what it finds as not helpful in losing weight are those food items that have loads of sugar and saturated fats. Hence, not all fats should be avoided but just those that can be metabolized easily. A certain amount of fat is necessary for the body, serving as a protective coating for the internal organs.

Those particular foods that you should avoid are eggs, processed or fresh beef and pork, and dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream. These have been known killers in the heart disease department if taken without a tinge of control. If you love these foods, it is time to let go of them during your low-fat diet.

On the other hand, those that should be avoided are dairy foods, egg yolks, processed meats, red meats, butter and cheese. These foods contain too much unsaturated fats and cholesterol that lead to meteoric weight increase if eaten liberally. Along with sugar, these are the main culprits for obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

In the beginning, you may find the low-fat diet quite hard on your appetite, especially if you love everything fried. Dieting also requires you to sacrifice for your own good. It would, however, help if you start with a shopping list of allowable food only. You can clear your kitchen of anything too fatty also. After a while, you will just notice that your low-fat diet is already a habit.

There are many more great information about weight training diet that you can get from a beachbody coach's site.

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